Beautiful Interfaces / Dismantling the Simulation / DOB
- France
- http://miyovanstenis.com/
- @miyovansteniss
😺 A tool designed to shorten steps needed to import and optimize models into VRChat. Compatible models are: MMD, XNALara, Mixamo, DAZ/Poser, Blender Rigify, Sims 2, Motion Builder, 3DS Max and pote…
VRM Importer, Exporter and Utilities for Blender 2.93 to 4.3
RenderMan for Blender render addon
NumPy-based text/binary PLY file reader/writer for Python
This is the molecular python script for blender, originally coded by Pyroevil. A bit similar to Lagoa Multiphysic in Softimage.
Search image collections by multiple color palettes or by image color similarity.
Draws chemicals in Blender using common input formats (smiles, molfiles, cif files, etc.)
makerbot / s3g
Forked from cibomahto/s3gA python implementation of the s3g protocol, to speak to MakerBots.
a blender python script for creating a mesh approximating an isosurface of a scalar field
UuuNyaa / Miku_Miku_Rig
Forked from LaoBro/Miku_Miku_RigMikuMikuRig是一款集生成控制器,自动导入动画,自动布料为一体的blender插件