The new process resides in community-zipcodes
The following can be absorbed and removed.
From 2019 forward we'll pull zip data from the same census API as our county and state processing
The code and data in the current "process/naics" folder will be deleted.
The ZBP API page states that only naics level-2 provide payroll. We have however seen some of the payroll values populated at other naics levels. All levels have both Establishments and Employees count.
153 US zip zcta areas reside in more than one state, so state zip code agreegates could be inflated.
Postal Code File Name (Upcoming)
All state's zip codes (zcta) and their industries (3 levels): community-data/industries/naics/US/zcta/NY/US-NY-census-naics2-zcta-2023.csv community-data/industries/naics/US/zcta/NY/US-NY-census-naics4-zcta-2023.csv community-data/industries/naics/US/zcta/NY/US-NY-census-naics6-zcta-2023.csv
- Ztca
- Naics - ActivityProducedBy (6-digit naics)
- Establishments (Number of Locations)
- Employees (Number of Employees)
- Payroll - US Dollars (Annual Wages)
Processed using in the current folder. Creates files for naics levels 2,4 and 6 in "zips" subfolder.
Example: Zip 53521
Community-Forecasting timeline zip code files reside at:
Range 2012 to 2016 projected to 2021. Regression project was in 2019.
Benjamin Liu processed naics by zip code. (Payroll is mostly 0 in these.)
We're pulling zip demographic data into a json file for each zip code from
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) also provides annual industry data by zip code.
Here's a example of clustering zip code data for multiple parameters.
Here's a prep all script with industries by zip code from spreadsheets with a random forest applied.
Industry Employment Levels
Script resides in prep/industries/source
To run:
sqlite3 industry.db < industry.SQL.txt > industry.OUT.txt
First change the year in industry.SQL.txt
Due to the delay of 2017 Economic Census, the 2017 zip data became available in December of 2019. (The above script has not yet been updated and run for the 2017 data.)
Start here Choose "County Business Patterns: [Year]" then "Complete ZIP Code Industry Detail File"
Issue: 2018 zipcode data is not available as of June 2020.
Source of Zipcode lat/lon - 2018 Census
From similar data collection with crosswalking of zips to zcta...
Not currently used (similar, but no file download)... - US zips to NAICS industry sectors
Also not used...
International Data Base (IDB)
World Health Scatterplot
Example of data format: