Starred repositories
.NET Decompiler with support for PDB generation, ReadyToRun, Metadata (&more) - cross-platform!
PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
API Support for your favorite torrent trackers
⚡ The most powerful open source tweaker on GitHub for fine-tuning Windows 10 & Windows 11
Seatbelt is a C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive and defensive security perspectives.
.NET IPv4/IPv6 machine-in-the-middle tool for penetration testers
Identifies the bytes that Microsoft Defender flags on.
a tool for pentesters to help find delicious candy, by @l0ss and @Sh3r4 ( Twitter: @/mikeloss and @/sh3r4_hax )
SharpUp is a C# port of various PowerUp functionality.
A .net OLE/COM viewer and inspector to merge functionality of OleView and Test Container
SharpGPOAbuse is a .NET application written in C# that can be used to take advantage of a user's edit rights on a Group Policy Object (GPO) in order to compromise the objects that are controlled by…
RunasCs - Csharp and open version of windows builtin runas.exe
Remote Desktop Protocol .NET Console Application for Authenticated Command Execution
C# implementation of harmj0y's PowerView
.NET DllExport with .NET Core support (aka 3F/DllExport aka DllExport.bat)
PoC tool to coerce Windows hosts authenticate to other machines via the MS-RPRN RPC interface. This is possible via other protocols as well.
Whisker is a C# tool for taking over Active Directory user and computer accounts by manipulating their msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute, effectively adding "Shadow Credentials" to the target account.
Kernel mode WinDbg extension and PoCs for token privilege investigation.
Exploit for EfsPotato(MS-EFSR EfsRpcOpenFileRaw with SeImpersonatePrivilege local privalege escalation vulnerability).
Get file less command execution for lateral movement.
Proof-of-Concept tool to authenticate to an LDAP/S server with a certificate through Schannel