Assorted dev tools for working with the kava blockchain.
make install
Note: The current mainnet version of kava is v0.16.0
. To start a local testnet
with the current mainnet version use --kava.configTemplate v0.16
. To start a
local testnet with the latest unreleased version, use
--kava configTemplate master
Option 1:
The kvtool testnet bootstrap
command starts a local Kava blockchain as a
background docker container called generated_kavanode_1
. The bootstrap command
only starts the Kava blockchain and Kava REST server services.
# Start new testnet
kvtool testnet bootstrap --kava.configTemplate master
Option 2:
To generate a testnet for kava, binance chain, and a deputy that relays swaps between them:
# Generate a new kvtool configuration based off template files
kvtool testnet gen-config kava binance deputy --kava.configTemplate master
# Pull latest docker images. Docker must be running.
cd ./full_configs/generated && docker-compose pull
# start the testnet
kvtool testnet up
# When finished with usage, shut down the processes
kvtool testnet down
Additional flags can be added when initializing a testnet to add additional services:
: Run Kava testnet with an additional IBC chain
# Run Kava testnet with an additional IBC chain
kvtool testnet bootstrap --kava.configTemplate master --ibc
: Run a go-ethereum node alongside the Kava testnet. The geth node is
initialized with the Kava Bridge contract and test ERC20 tokens. The Kava EVM
also includes Multicall contracts deployed. The contract addresses can be found
on the Kava-Labs/kava-bridge
# Run the testnet with a geth node in parallel
kvtool testnet bootstrap --kava.configTemplate master --geth
Geth node ports are not default, as the Kava EVM will use default JSON-RPC ports:
Kava EVM RPC Ports:
- WS-RPC port:
Geth RPC Ports:
- WS-RPC port:
To connect to the associated Ethereum wallet with Metamask, setup a new network with the following parameters:
- New RPC URL:
- Chain ID:
(configured from the genesis) - Currency Symbol:
Finally, connect the mining account by importing the JSON config in this directory with this password.
REST APIs for both blockchains are exposed on localhost:
- Kava: http://localhost:1317
- Binance Chain: http://localhost:8080
You can also interact with the blockchain using the kava
command line. In a
new terminal window, set up an alias to kava
on the dockerized kava node and
use it to send a query.
# Add an alias to the dockerized kava cli
alias dkava='docker exec -it generated_kavanode_1 kava'
# Confirm that the alias has been added
alias kava
# For versions before v0.16.x
alias dkvcli='docker exec -it generated_kavanode_1 kvcli'
You can test the set up and alias by executing a sample query:
dkava status
dkava q cdp params
To send transactions you'll need to recover a user account in the dockerized environment. Valid mnemonics for the blockchains be found in the config/common/addresses.yaml
# Recover user account
dkava keys add user --recover
# Enter mnemonic
arrive guide way exit polar print kitchen hair series custom siege afraid shrug crew fashion mind script divorce pattern trust project regular robust safe
Test transaction sending by transferring some coins to yourself.
# Query the recovered account's address
dkava keys show user -a
# Send yourself some coins by creating a send transaction with your address as both sender and receiver
dkava tx bank send [user-address] [user-address] 1000000ukava --from user
# Enter 'y' to confirm the transaction
confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]:
# Check transaction result by tx hash
dkava q tx [tx-hash]
When you're done make sure to shut down the kvtool testnet. Always shut down the kvtool testnets before pulling the latest image from docker, otherwise you may experience errors.
kvtool testnet down