Model preparation:
- Load and customize your model in Pymol (2.4 or above!)
- Avoid using mesh representation, and minimize sticks, balls and lines, as they will increase the file size. The size limit is 25 MB.
- Transparency and labels will not be applied in the model, but measurements will be visible, only without numbers.
- To generate your 3D object, use the command:' save filename.gltf ', or go to ' File - Export image - GLTF... '
- Create a new repository in your GitHub profile
- Import this repository
- Upload your gltf model
- Edit the index.html file and change the name of the model "yellow.gltf" in line 17 to the name of your object, "filename.gltf"
- Commit changes, then in the repository, go to 'Settings - Pages - Branch' and select 'main' from the list
- Save, and after a few minutes the link for your AR scene should show up in the Settings - Pages site.
To View the AR scene, go to the URL shown in Pages on a device with a camera, and look at the marker image "3Dmarker.png".
In case you want to use a personalized Marker:
- Generate and download the marker AND the image here:
- Use these tips:
- do not change the "pattern ratio"
- Upload the .patt file to your repository
- Change the 'url' of the marker in line 11 to the one you uploaded "markername.patt"
- Once updated, the model should show up when looking at the image of your new marker.
Any changes you make usually take around a minute to take effect in the webapp.