Un-Official Un-edited Telegram Web Client
Code from https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/tree/gh-pages
Don't want to know how this work, but need to access Telegram Web Try below link.
Telegram is banned in several countries, in India Telegram is blocked on several networks including Jio and Airtel. So in this repo i will continuously provide new domains to access Telegram without compromising privacy or security of your data.
- https://*.web.telegram.org
can be replaced with ["pluto","venus","aurora","vesta","flora"]*
can be replaced with ["pluto-1","venus-1","aurora-1","vesta-1","flora-1"]- I've added these APIs directly into base domain/subdomain using Proxy and making it accessible via Single domain.
- https://web.telegram.org (hosted on Telegram servers, Permanent Domain)
- https://web.telegram.ind.in (Works in All Countries, Please let us know if your country blocks this in future, we'll enable another domain name.)
- https://telegram-web.netlify.app (Another Domain to access)
- https://web-telegram-org.vercel.app (Works Fine but work in progress)
- https://telegram.ind.in
- https://core.telegram.ind.in
- https://web.telegram.ind.in
- https://my.telegram.ind.in
- https://translations.telegram.ind.in
- https://instantview.telegram.ind.in
- https://l.telegram.ind.in/Telegram (Telegram Share System)
- We've changed https://pluto.web.telegram.org to https://pluto.web.telegram.ind.in and same for all other URLs. This can also be changed to https://web.telegram.ind.in/api/pluto after integrated tests for speed and performance.
- Currently this App can only be used on Netlify and Vercel.
- Deploying this app directly on any other platform will create known issue and it'll not work at all.
- zhukov for https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/tree/gh-pages (Last sync as of Jan 29, 2021)
- Thanks to Netlify for their Generous Open-Source Plan.