This repo is the implementation of the following paper:
Differentiable Integrated Motion Prediction and Planning with Learnable Cost Function for Autonomous Driving
Zhiyu Huang, Haochen Liu, Jingda Wu, Chen Lv
AutoMan Research Lab, Nanyang Technological University
[Project Website]
Download the Waymo Open Motion Dataset v1.1; only the files in uncompressed/scenario/training_20s
are needed. Place the downloaded files into training and testing folders separately.
conda create -n DIPP python=3.8
conda activate DIPP
Install the Theseus library and follow the official guideline.
conda activate DIPP
Run to learn the imitative expert policies. You need to specify the file path to the recorded expert trajectories. You can optionally specify how many samples you would like to use to train the expert policies.
python expert_data/left_turn --samples 40
- Run to train the RL agent. You need to specify the algorithm and scenario to run, and also the file path to the pre-trained imitative models if you are using the expert prior-guided algorithms. The available algorithms are sac, value_penalty, policy_constraint, ppo, gail. If you are using GAIL, the prior should be the path to your demonstration trajectories.
python value_penalty left_turn --prior expert_model/left_turn
Run to visualize the training results. You need to specify the algorithm and scenario that you have trained with, as well as the metric you want to see (success or reward).
python value_penalty left_turn success
Run to test the trained policy in the testing situations, along with Envision to visualize the testing process at the same time. You need to specify the algorithm and scenario, and the file path to your trained model.
scl run --envision value_penalty left_turn train_results/left_turn/value_penalty/Model/Model_X.h5
Run to plot the vehicle dynamics states. You need to specify the path to the test log file.
python test_results/left_turn/value_penalty/test_log.csv