Welcome back! [Last time](../Lesson One), we took a look at Swift's syntax and Xcode playgrounds. We touched very briefly on the idea of types.
Swift is a strongly typed language and the type system is very robust. Combined with type inference, you can write expressive code without being repetitive. Many languages might define an integer variable as int i = 0
, but in Swift, it's just var i = 0
, and Swift figures out that 0
is an integer.
In this lesson, we're going to take a whirlwind tour through Swift's different types:
- Structs
- Classes
- Enums
- Tuples
Finally, we'll take a deeper look at generics. Let's get started!
Structs in Swift are containers for other data, similar to structs in C. Structs can hold integers, strings, arrays, other structs – anything!
This is a simple Swift struct.
struct Artist {
let name: String
In this case, the Artist
struct has one property. Properties are values stored within the struct and accessed with dot notation: instance.property = whatever
. The property we've defined on Artist
is called name
and it's a String
type. It's not an optional, so it can't be nil
, and it's declared with let
, so it cannot be changed after an Artist
instance is created.
Swift structs can also have functions in them. That might seem strange, but that's OK. We'll cover that shortly.
Once we have our Artist
struct above, how can we instantiate it? Well, Swift provides structs with default initializers – sometimes called constructors. To create an artist, you'd do the following.
let artist = Artist(name: "Orta")
Very cool. If we added more fields to the Artist
struct, we'd need to update our calls to the initializer.
Structs can have functions on them, too. Consider the following Artwork
struct Artwork {
let name: String
let artist: Artist
func getArtistName() -> String {
return artist.name
It has a function that returns the artwork's artist's name. It seems a bit silly to have that as a function, though, since it's always a computation. But we don't want to add another property like artistName
to Artwork
, since that's redundant. Instead, Swift let's us define what's called a computed property.
struct Artwork {
let name: String
let artist: Artist
var artistName: String {
get {
return artist.name
Not bad, but we can do better. Computed properties can have getters and setters, specified with get
and set
. Sometimes you want a computed setter, like a temperature struct that stores the temperature in Celcius, but allows users to access the computed Fahrenheit value. You could set the Fahrenheit property and have its setter update the underlying Celcius value.
struct Temperature {
var celcius: Float
var fahrenheit: Float {
get {
return celcius * 9.0/5.0 + 32
set (value) {
celcius = (value - 32) * 5.0/9.0
But back to our Artist
! Since read-only computed properties are so common, Swift has shorthad syntax. If a computed property is only read-only, we can omit get
var artistName: String {
return artist.name
Nice. Let's take a look at classes next.
A class in Swift is very similar to a struct, but also very different. The following will not work.
class MyClass {
var property: String
Unlike with structs, Swift doesn't infer initializers for classes. This leaves us with two options:
- Set all properties of the class to some initial value (pointless for constant properties like this one).
- Create an initializer that sets the properties before calling the superclass' initializer, if applicable.
Swift's compiler enforces these rules for safety. Our class would need to look like this:
class MyClass {
var property = ""
Or this:
class MyClass {
var property: String
init(property: String) {
self.property = property
That's a lot of boilerplate for not a lot of anything.
Classes are kind of a holdover from Objective-C, which didn't have Swift's concept of structs. Let's take a look at the different semantics around the difference between them.
First we'll need a test struct.
struct MyStruct {
var property = ""
Simple enough – it has a variable property. Now try typing the following.
let a = MyClass()
let b = MyStruct()
a.property = "Hi"
b.property = "Hi"
You'll get a compiler error on the last line 💥 Why do you think that is?
Well, structs in Swift are value types, meaning that a change to the property of b
is a change to b
itself. Since we defined b
as a let
constant, we can't do that. a
doesn't care because Swift classes are reference types. Changing the property of a class doesn't change the class itself.
So let's change b
to be a var
. We can access these properties and they should both be "Hi"
Now let's get weirder. Let's create two new variables assigned to a
and b
a2.property = "Hello"
b2.property = "Hello"
What do you think happened to a
and b
? Let's check it out.
, which is a class, had its property changed when we changed a2
's property. But b
is the same. Why?
Well, a2
is a reference to the same object as a
. But b2
is actually its own value, so changing it doesn't affect the original b
at all. Swift manages this through copy-on-write semantics that provides this sort of value-based immutability with the efficiency of reference typed-classes.
In Swift, we prefer structs to classes. However, Swift often has to interoperate with Objective-C (the operating system, frameworks, and most open source code is all sadly still Objective-C). So we use classes, too.
Alright, enough with that. Let's check out something really neat: enums.
An enum is a type that has one of a certain number values, defined at compile time. You might be familiar with them from C or Java.
enum MyEnum {
case FirstOption, SecondOption
case ThirdOption
We can use enums with the following syntax.
let e = MyEnum.FirstOption
switch e {
case .FirstOption:
case .SecondOption:
case .ThirdOption:
Super cool! And of course, Swift makes sure that our switch
statement is exhaustive.
In C, all enums are integers. That is not true in Swift – this one has no underlying type. You can't cast MyEnum
values into anything else. But we could add an underlying value if we want.
enum MyIntEnum: Int {
case FirstOption = 0
case SecondOption // inferred to be 1, and so on
case ThirdOption
So now we have a few neat things we can do.
This will print 0
, because that's FirstOption
's underlying value. We can also create MyIntEnum
from raw integers, too.
let value = MyIntEnum(rawValue: 0)
However, because the initializer for MyIntEnum
may fail if we pass in a value other than 0, 1, or 2, the type of value
here is an optional. Specifically, MyIntEnum?
. We learnt last time that we can unwrap optionals safely:
if let value = MyIntEnum(rawValue: 0) {
// value is now a (non-optional) MyIntEnum
Neat. Swift also does something neat with enums that have underlying String
enum MyStringEnum: String {
case FirstOption
print(MyStringEnum.FirstOption.rawValue) // Prints "FirstOption"
Unless otherwise specified, Swift infers that enums backed by strings should have raw values identical to their labels. Cool!
All of this is cool, I guess, but not Earth-shattering. Lots of other languages use enums this way. But Swift enums get way cooler – they're probably my favourite feature.
Enum cases can have associated values. Let's see how they work with an example.
We need a Result
enum that indicates whether an operation succeeded or failed. But we'd also like to know why it failed. We could approach this problem like this:
enum Result {
case Success
case FailureDivisionByZero
case Failure404StatusCode
case FailureOutOfBounds
... and so on
This sucks! And we need to know all the possible ways something could fail at compile-time, which is often impossible.
What we'd really like is to indicate that a failure occured, with an explanation of why it failed. We can do this with associated values!
enum Result {
case Success
case Failure(reason: String)
Let's imagine the following function.
func performAction(input: Int) -> Result {
if input == 0 {
return .Failure(reason: "Invalid input")
} else {
return .Success
It takes an input and if it's zero, it returns .Failure
with a message about why it failed. Otherwise it returns .Success
. It's a pedagogical example – we don't need anything completex.
How would we call this? Well, this is where switch
statements come in handy:
switch performAction(0) {
case .Success:
case .Failure(let reason):
print("Failure: \(reason)")
The switch
lets us access the value associated with the .Failure
case, and bind that value to a local reason
variable. Really cool!
This is a pretty pedagogical example, but you can get a glimpse of the awesomeness of associated objects. We built an entire network library using them!
Phew! That's a lot of stuff. One last thing: tuples. Tuples are simple structures – they are multiple values wrapped into a single value, and are defined using parentheses. This is a simple tuple.
let tuple = ("This is a value", 1)
In this example, tuple
is of type (String, Int)
. We can access the members of tuples using dot notation.
let tuple = ("This is a value", 1)
Gross. Let's use a named tuple instead.
let namedTuple = (stringValue: "This is a value", intValue: 1)
namedTuple.stringValue // "This is a value"
namedTuple.intValue // 1
Note that this tuple is a different type from the first one. It's (String, Int)
compared with (stringValue: String, intValue: Int)
. Yes, the labels in the tuples make them different types.
OK, so all of this has really been discussing generics – one of the biggest missing pieces in Objective-C.
Generics let you specify that you're going to operate on a type without specifying what type that is. Arrays are generics, for example. They hold stuff – anything, actually. We can do something similar.
Let's look at an easy one.
func doSomething<T>(input: T) -> T {
return input
This is a really silly function – all it does is return what you give it. But it's declaration is interesting. The angle brackets mean that it works on a generic, named T
. We can name it whatever we want, though.
The parameter input
is of type T
, even though we don't know what that is right now. Also, the function has to return something else of type T
. We can all this function with nearly anything:
(Calling doSomething(nil)
won't work, though. Can you guess why?)
Let's do something cooler. Let's build a simple stack datastructure.
struct Stack<T> {
private var contents = Array<T>()
mutating func push(input: T) {
mutating func pop() -> T? {
return isEmpty() ? nil : contents.removeLast()
func isEmpty() -> Bool {
return contents.count == 0
Neat, so now we have a stack. It holds an internal array called contents
, and that array holds T
(whatever that is). We can push, pop, and ask if the stack is empty.
The push
and pop
functions are interesting because they're marked as mutating
. This ties in with Swift's constant structure. If they weren't mutating, the compiler would not let them change contents
. Likewise, if a Stack
is declarared using let
, it cannot be mutated.
let stack = Stack<Int>()
stack.push(1) // Error!
Instead, we need to use var
var stack = Stack<Int>()
stack.pop() // returns 1
You've seen we can do cool things with functions and stucts, but things get wilder with enums!
enum AssociatedResult<T> {
case Success(result: T)
case Failure(reason: String)
Well, that's it for this week – what a huge lesson!
If you're keen to learn more, try applying generics to other things. Can classes be generic? What about tuples? What about inheritance – do you think one struct could extend another? What about structs with generics? What about functions returning structs using enums with associated generic values? Go wild!