Sophisticated astrodynamics and space mission simulator. Calculate n-body trajectories, perform orbital maneuvers, apply various perturbations, generate plots, and more! Minimal dependencies.
Model-rocketry aerodynamics and trajectory simulation software
Simulates the flight of intercontinental ballistic missiles based on launch parameters.
Python version of NASA DE4xx ephemerides, the basis for the Astronomical Alamanac
A simple tool to extract files and info from a PS3 TROPHY.TRP file
A simple script solving lambert problem, part of the course AE502 Advance Orbital Mechanics, UIUC.
A code to find the transfer orbit given start date, end date, start location, and end location made in MatLab. This is necessary for the Porkchop Plot code.
kOS library that enables scripted orbital transfer window planning and vessel rendezvous for the the game Kerbal Space Program
Matlab Files developed to determine Low Delta V and Low Time of Flight interplanetary launch options from a Space elevator Apex Anchor
An open library for calculation of basic space elevator parameters and loads
Basic stress calculations for a user-defined space elevator on a user-defined planet.
Spacelift compares the cost efficiency of getting payloads into geosynchronous orbit using a space elevator compared to traditional rocketry. Basically, it’s a table.
Linearized space elevator dynamics: computing oscillation frequencies and eigen modes
GUI for solving internal ballistics made using tkinter.
tacotronV2 + wavernn 实现中文语音合成(Tensorflow + pytorch)
Python implementation of Lambert solver outputting to a matplotlib plot, for calculating interplanetary travel dV for sci-fi settings . xlwings+Excel for easy data visualizaiton
Materials for Graduate Level Celestial Mechanics Class