UltimaPHP is a modern Ultima Online server written in PHP 7.0.
This server was created for thoes who ever wanted to create differend addaptations on the core of your shard.
I decided to build this project for study propose i've re-scripted the entire socket server to understand how it works and after that i decided to create a lightweight standalone version of the server that runs in any OS easly.
Note 1: The server works with clients 6.0.13 or greater, since this version many packets was changed and we will not spent time with older clients for now.
Note 2: I'm developing using the Ultima Online Classic Client Patch version 59 -
First of all you will need to install PHP 7.0 or greater and MongoDb 3.4+, I reccomend you to use PHP 7.1 it's ultra fast and lightweight, for that:
- PHP download page and get the version of PHP you want to use
- MongoDB page and get the right version of mongodb for your machine.
After install PHP and MongoDB on the machine, edit the file ultimaphp.ini
as you wish, create a mongodb database named "ultimaphp" (or anyone, just need to change at the ultimaphp.ini) and create/import all collections from tools/Mongo Database/*.json
(file name is the collection name) and follow the next steps to start the server:
Note 1: You can use some program to visualize and work with mongodb like: RoboMongo or MongoChef
Note 2: The default owner account/password in the database is: test/test
Note 3: The default player account/password in the database is: test2/test
Note 4: Passwords is allways stored in MD5 encryption both in database and in server variables
Note 5: UltimaPHP only works (till now) with no-encrypted clients.
- Open the terminal and navigate to the root folder of UltimaPHP project
- Type:
php7.0 startserver.php
- We need someone with mac to help us :)
- Open the run dialog (SUPER+R) and type
then run - Navigate to PHP installation folder
cd c:\php\installation\folder\
- And start the server
php.exe c:\ultimaphp\instalation\folder\startserver.php
For those, like me, who preffer to use an most performatic standalone PHP, with only what it really needs
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-config-file-path=/etc --enable-sockets --enable-bcmath --enable-mbstring --enable-zip --enable-pcntl --enable-ftp --enable-exif --enable-sysvmsg --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-wddx --with-mcrypt --with-iconv --with-zlib-dir=/usr --with-xpm-dir=/usr --with-openssl --with-gettext=/usr --with-zlib=/usr --with-bz2=/usr
make install
- Classic client
- 3D Client
- Login
- Create Character
- Open Paperdol (self/other players)
- Open status bar (self/other players/mobiles)
- Show all names (Players/other players/mobiles)
- Add objects
- Add mobiles
- Login multiple chars
- Equip multiple objects
- PickUp / Drag / Drop item
- Walk / Run in any world
- Unicode Sysmessage
- Where Command
- Teleport command to any world
- Invis command
- Change mobile name
- Change player name (if is GM)
- Click on players/mobiles/objects
- DClick on players/mobiles/objects
- Open skills info
- Emote
- Talk
- Store objects inside multiple containers
- Save the player objects
- Save the world objects
- Sublime Text 3 recommended IDE used to program the server
- CodeFormatter used to format the code in K&R style
- SocketSniff program i use to monitor an program sockets communication
- POL Packet Guide for learning all about the packages sent trought server and client
- Sphere 0.56d source to discover how things works, maybe...
- RunUO repository to see how things works
- POL Repository to see how things works
- Ultima Online Classic - Patch 59 - to download the same version i'm using to build the server
- All .php files should start with
and end without?>
- All .php files should have the comment line header
- All class names starts with UPPERCASE character, IE: class ClassName {...}
- All method names must start with LOWERCASE character and all next words start with UPPERCASE character with no space, IE: goodMethodName()
- All codes must be idented with tab
- All codes must be formatted in K&R style before commited, manually or using your preffered tool
- All data storage tables must have an ID indexed
- All secure information, like passwords, must be stored encrypted
- All relashionship must have an foreign key linkng the table columns
- All tables names must be LOWERCASE and words separated with underline, IE: good_table_name
"codeformatter_php_path": "C:/php/php.exe",
"indent_size": 1,
"indent_with_tabs": true,
"indent_style": "k&r",
"newline_before_comment": true,
"new_line_before": "",
"new_line_after": "",
"format_array_nested": true,
"pear": true,
"pear_add_header": "",
"pear_newline_class": true,
"pear_newline_trait": true,
"pear_newline_function": false,
"pear_switch_without_indent": false,
"lowercase": true,
"fluent": false,
"list_class_function": false,
"equals_align": false,
"phpbb": false,
"space_in_paren": false,
"space_in_square": false
- João Escribano - Brazil
- Maurício Nunes - Brazil