This is where EPKL keeps non-layout files it needs. Unless you're an advanced user, you may not need to change anything in these files.
On the other hand, looking inside some of them should be useful if you want to understand more about how EPKL works!
Overview over the EPKL Prefix-Entry and other advanced syntax for mappings, useable in several contexts:
| EPKL prefix-entry syntax is useable in layout state mappings, Extend, Compose, PowerString and dead key entries. |
| - There are two equivalent prefixes for each entry type: One easy-to-type ASCII, one from the eD Shift+AltGr layer. |
| → | % : Send a literal string/ligature by the SendInput {Text} method |
| § | $ : Send a literal string/ligature by the SendMessage method |
| α | * : Send ‹entry› as AHK syntax in which !+^# are modifiers, and {} contain key names |
| β | = : Send {Blind}‹entry›, keeping the current modifier state |
| † | ~ : Send the hex Unicode point U+<entry> (normally but not necessarily 4-digit) |
| Ð | @ : Send the current layout's dead key named ‹entry› (often a 3-character code) |
| ¶ | & : Send the current layout's powerstring named ‹entry›; some are abbreviations like &Esc, &Tab… |
| - Any entry may start with «#»: '#' is one or more characters to display on help images for the following mapping. |
| - Other advanced state mappings: |
| ®® | ®# : Repeat the previous character. `#` may be a hex number. Nice for avoiding same-finger bigrams. |
| ©‹name› : Named Compose key, replacing the last written character sequence with something else. |
| ## : Send the active system layout's Virtual Key code. Good for OS shortcuts, but EPKL can't see it. |
A few of the several thousand(!) compose/completion sequences in the _eD_Compose.ini
'noevil = 🙈 🙉 🙊 ; U1f648/9/a # See/Hear/Speak-No-Evil Monkeys
'raise = 🙌 ; U1f64c # Person Raising Both Hands In Celebration
'pray = 🙏 ; U1f64f # Person with Folded Hands (Namaste)
'namaste = _/|\_ ; U1464f # ASCII version of 🙏
'hmmm = 🤔 ❓❗ ; U1f914 + U2753 + U2757 # Thinking Face + Black Question/Exclamation Mark
'hugs = 🤗 ; U1f917 # Hugging Face
'metal = 🤘 ; U1f918 # Sign of the Horns (Metal salute)
'call = 🤙 ; U1f919 # Call Me Hand
'fistbump = 🤜🤛 ; U1f91c + U1f91b # Right/Left-Facing Fist
'love = 🤟 ; U1f91f # I Love You Hand Sign
'brain = 🧠 ; U1f9e0 # Brain
'martial = 🥋 ; U1f94b # Martial Arts Uniform
Some of the mappings for my tap-Extend Kaomoji layer in the _eD_DeadKeys.ini
<q> = → (✿◠‿◠) ; q -†Kawaii qute "Flower girl" (eyes may show as boxes)
<Q>+ = → (❁°‿°) ; Q - --"-- - alt. (❁´◡`)
<w> = → ( のvの) c[_] ; w - Wise owl w/ coffee mug
<W>+ = → ლ( ʘ▽ʘ)ლ~ORLY ; W - ORLY owl
<f> = → ( ╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ; f - Flip table
<F>+ = → /( .□.)\ ︵╰(°益°)╯︵ /(.□. /) ; F - Flip people
<p> = → ┬─┬ ノ( °‿°ノ) ; p - Put back table
<P>+ = → ✌(  ̄▽ ̄ ) ; P - Peace sign
<g> = → ♪~╰(*°▽°*)╯~♪ ; g - Giddy Celebration
<G>+ = → ☆*✧:.。. o(⁎≧▽≦)o .。.:✧*☆ ; G - --"--
<j> = → ∩(◕‿◕。)∩~♪ ; j -†Joyful (eyes may show as boxes)
<J>+ = → ∩(●'‿'●)∩ ; J - --"--
<l> = → ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ; l - Lennyface (uses non-spacing glyphs)
<L>+ = → ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ; L - --"--
<u> = → ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ ; u - Unhappy Lenny (--"--)
<U>+ = → ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°) ; U - --"--
<y> = → ლ(ಠ益ಠ ლ) ; y - Why?! Confusion, worry
<Y>+ = → ⊂(;⊙д⊙)つ ; Y - --"-- - alt. (๑ΘдΘ)
<;> = → (ʘ言ʘ╬) ; ; - Shock
<:> = → (ʘ_ʘ;) ; : - --"--
The CoDeKey dead key is a special key (I have it on a thumb key) that lets you access a layer designed for typing comfort:
CoDeKey DK help image, marked with color. Pink: Punctuation-space-capitalization. Yellow: Reach reduction.
Extend1 mappings for the upper and home rows, from the _eD_Extend.ini
QW_Q = Esc
QW_W = WheelUp 2
Co_F = Browser_Back
Co_P = Browser_Forward
Co_G = Click Rel 0,-17,0
Co_J = PgUp
Co_L = Home
Co_U = Up
Co_Y = End
Co_SC = Del
Co_LB = Esc ;WheelLeft
Co_RB = Ins
Co_A = Alt
Co_R = WheelDown 2
Co_S = Shift
Co_T = Ctrl
Co_D = Click Rel 0,17,0
Co_H = PgDn
Co_N = Left
Co_E = Down
Co_I = Right
Co_O = BackSpace
Co_QU = AppsKey
Co_BS = Browser_Favorites
The crazy "PowerString 666" from the _eD_PwrStrings.ini
Penta = <Multiline> 17 ; A 17 line string, defined below
;; The purpose of this power(!)string is to improve Colemak's daemon summoning capabilities. \m/
;; See
Pent-01 = "\n ______ \n"
Pent-02 = " Col .d$$$******$$$$c. mak \n"
Pent-03 = " \e/ .d$P" "$$c \-/ \n"
Pent-04 = " $$$$$. C .$$$*$. \n"
Pent-05 = " .$$ 4$L*$$. .$$Pd$ '$b \n"
Pent-06 = " $F *$. "$$e.e$$" 4$F ^$b \n"
Pent-07 = " d$ $$ z$$$e $$ '$. \n"
Pent-08 = " $P m `$L$$P` `"$$d$" k $$ \n"
Pent-09 = " $$ e$$F C 4$$b. $$ \n"
Pent-10 = " $b .$$" $$ o .$$ "4$b. $$ \n"
Pent-11 = " $$e$P" $b d$` "$$c$F \n"
Pent-12 = " '$P$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ \n"
Pent-13 = " "$c. 4$. $$ .$$ \n"
Pent-14 = " ^$$. DH $$ d$" AW d$P \n"
Pent-15 = " "$$c. `$b$F .d$P" \n"
Pent-16 = " CAW `4$$$c.$$$..e$$P" [eD] \n"
Pent-17 = " `^^^^^^^` \n"
KLM remapping codes used in the _eD_Remap
;; This is a table of KeyLayoutMap (KLM) codes from the _eD_Remap.ini file. You can use QW### or Co### for EPKL Scan Code (SC) and Virtual Key (VK) names.
;; KLM codes are intuitive and make no difference between ANSI & ISO board types. Examples: QW_E, Co_F, QW_CM, QWSPC. For VK, vc=QW codes make the most sense.
;; XX======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======XX======+======XX======+======+======XX======+======+======+======XX
;; ||Esc |F1 |F2 |F3 |F4 |F5 |F6 |F7 |F8 |F9 |F10 |F11 |F12 ||Back |Menu ||PrtSc |ScrLk |Pause ||NumLk |KP / |KP * |KP - ||
;QW || ESC | _F1 | _F2 | _F3 | _F4 | _F5 | _F6 | _F7 | _F8 | _F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 || BSP | APP || PSC | SLK | PAU || NLK | PDV | PMU | PMN ||
;; XX======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======XX======+======XX======+======+======XX------+------+------+------XX
;; ||` |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |0 |- |= ||LShft |RShft ||Ins |Home |PgUp ||KP 7 |KP 8 |KP 9 |KP + ||
;QW || _GR | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _0 | _MN | _PL || LSH | RSH || INS | HOM | PGU || P_7 | P_8 | P_9 | PPL ||
;; XX------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------XX------+------XX------+------+------XX------+------+------+------XX
;; ||Tab |Q |W |E |R |T |Y |U |I |O |P |[ |] ||LCtrl |RCtrl ||Del |End |PgDn ||KP 4 |KP 5 |KP 6 |KPEnt ||
;QW || TAB | _Q | _W | _E | _R | _T | _Y | _U | _I | _O | _P | _LB | _RB || LCT | RCT || DEL | END | PGD || P_4 | P_5 | P_6 | PEN ||
;Co || TAB | _Q | _W | _F | _P | _G | _J | _L | _U | _Y | _SC | _LB | _RB || LCT | RCT || DEL | END | PGD || P_4 | P_5 | P_6 | PEN ||
;; XX------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------XX------+------XX======+======+======XX------+------+------+------XX
;; ||Caps |A |S |D |F |G |H |J |K |L |; |' |\ ||LWin |RWin ||VolDn |Up |VolUp ||KP 1 |KP 2 |KP 3 |Mute ||
;QW || CLK | _A | _S | _D | _F | _G | _H | _J | _K | _L | _SC | _QU | _BS || LWI | RWI || VLD | _UP | VLU || P_1 | P_2 | P_3 | MUT ||
;Co || CLK | _A | _R | _S | _T | _D | _H | _N | _E | _I | _O | _QU | _BS || LWI | RWI || VLD | _UP | VLU || P_1 | P_2 | P_3 | MUT ||
;; XX------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------XX------+------XX------+------+------XX------+------+------+------XX
;; ||LS/GT |Z |X |C |V |B |N |M |, |. |/ |Enter |Space ||LAlt |RAlt ||Left |Down |Right ||KP 0 |KP . |Power |Sleep ||
;QW || _LG | _Z | _X | _C | _V | _B | _N | _M | _CM | _PD | _SL | ENT | SPC || LAL | RAL || _LE | _DN | _RI || P_0 | PDC | PWR | SLP ||
;Co || _LG | _Z | _X | _C | _V | _B | _K | _M | _CM | _PD | _SL | ENT | SPC || LAL | RAL || _LE | _DN | _RI || P_0 | PDC | PWR | SLP ||
;; XX======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======XX======+======XX======+======+======XX======+======+======+======XX