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469 lines (461 loc) · 25.3 KB

File metadata and controls

469 lines (461 loc) · 25.3 KB

JSON file contents


  • bionics.json - bionics, does NOT include bionic effects
  • dreams.json - dream text and linked mutation categories
  • item_groups.json - item spawn groups
  • materials.json - material types
  • monstergroups.json - monster spawn groups
  • names.json - names used for NPC/player name generation
  • professions.json - profession definitions
  • recipes.json - crafting/disassembly recipes
  • skills.json - skill descriptions and ID's
  • snippets.json - flier/poster descriptions
  • mutations.json - traits/mutations
  • vehicle_parts.json - vehicle parts, does NOT affect flag effects
  • vehicles.json - vehicle definitions


  • archery.json - bows and arrows
  • ranged.json - guns
  • tools.json - tools and items that can be (a)ctivated
  • ammo.json - ammo
  • books.json - books
  • comestibles.json - food/drinks
  • containers.json - containers
  • instruments.json - instruments
  • melee.json - anything that doesn't go in the other item jsons, melee weapons
  • mods.json - gunmods


  • furniture.json - furniture, and features treated like furniture
  • terrain.json - terrain types and definitions

#raw jsons


"id"           : "bio_batteries",  // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word,
                                   // use underscores if necessary.
"name"         : "Battery System", // In-game name displayed
"active"       : false,  // Whether the bionic is active or passive (default: passive)
"power_source" : false,  // Whether the bionic provides power (default: false)
"faulty"       : false,  // Whether it is a faulty type (default: false)
"cost"         : 0,  // How many PUs it costs to use the bionic. (default: 0)
"time"         : 0,  // How long, when activated, between drawing cost.
                     // If 0, it draws power once. (default: 0)
"description"  : "You have a battery draining attachment, and thus can make use of the energy contained in normal, everyday batteries.  Use 'E' to consume batteries." // In-game description


"messages" : [                // List of potential dreams
    "You have a strange dream about birds.",
    "Your dreams give you a strange feathered feeling."
"category" : "MUTCAT_BIRD",   // Mutation category needed to dream
"strength" : 1                // Mutation category strength required
                                     1 = 20 - 34
                                     2 = 35 - 49
                                     3 = 50+


"id":"forest",            // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"items":[                 // List of potential item ID's. Chance of an item spawning is x/T, where
  ["rock", 40],           //    X is the value linked to the specific item and T is the total of all
  ["stick", 95],          //    item values in a group
  ["mushroom", 4],
  ["mushroom_poison", 3],
  ["mushroom_magic", 1],
  ["blueberries", 3]
"groups":[]               // ?


"ident"         : "hflesh",       // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name"          : "Human Flesh",  // In-game name displayed
"bash_resist"   :   1,            // How well a material resists bashing damage
"cut_resist"    :   1,            // How well a material resists cutting damage
"bash_dmg_verb" : "bruised",      // Verb used when material takes bashing damage
"cut_dmg_verb"  : "sliced",       // Verb used when material takes cutting damage
"dmg_adj"       : ["bruised", "mutilated", "badly mutilated", "thoroughly mutilated"], // Description added to damaged item in ascending severity
"acid_resist"   :   1,            // Ability of a material to resist acid
"elec_resist"   :   1,            // Ability of a material to resist electricity
"fire_resist"   :   0,            // Ability of a material to resist fire
"density"       :   5             // Density of a material


"name" : "GROUP_ANT",             // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"default" : "mon_ant",            // Default monster, automatically fills in any remaining spawn chances
"monsters" : [                    // To choose monster spawned game creates 1000 entries and picks one.
  { "monster" : "mon_ant_larva", "freq" : 40, "multiplier" : 0 },   // Each monster will have a number of entries equal to it's "freq" and 
  { "monster" : "mon_ant_soldier", "freq" : 90, "multiplier" : 5 }, // the default monster will fill in the remaining. "multiplier" increases
  { "monster" : "mon_ant_queen", "freq" : 0, "multiplier" : 0 }     // how much each monster counts for in a spawn group (i.e. will spawn 5 larva or 1 soldier)
  { "monster" : "mon_thing",              // Monsters id
    "freq" : 100,                         // Chance of occurence, out of a thousand
    "multiplier" : 0,                     // How many monsters each monster in this definition should count as, if spawning a limited number of monsters
    // The minimum and maximum number of monsters in this group that should spawn together. Optional, defaults [1,1]
    "pack_size" : [3,5],                    
    // Conditions limiting when monsters spawn. Valid options: SUMMER, WINTER, AUTUMN, SPRING, DAY, NIGHT, DUSK, DAWN
    // Multiple Time-of-day conditions (DAY, NIGHT, DUSK, DAWN) will be combined together so that any of those conditions makes the spawn valid
    // Multiple Season conditions (SUMMER, WINTER, AUTUMN, SPRING) will be combined together so that any of those conditions makes the spawn valid
    "conditions" : ["DUSK","DAWN","SUMMER"]


{ "name" : "Aaliyah", "gender" : "female", "usage" : "given" }, // Name, gender, "given"/"family"/"city" (first/last/city name).
// NOTE: Please refrain from adding name PR's in order to maintain kickstarter exclusivity


"description":"Ever since you were a child you loved hunting, and you loved the challenge of hunting with a bow even more. You start with a level in archery and survival.", // In-game description
"ident":"hunter",      // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"items":[              // ID's of items player starts with when selecting this profession
"name":"Bow Hunter",   // In-game name displayed
"points":2,            // Point cost of profession. Positive values cost points and negative values grant points
"addictions" : [       // Optional list of starting addictions.
	"type": "nicotine", // ID of addiction
	"intensity" : 10,  // Intensity of starting addiction
"skills":[             // Skills that the player starts with when selecting this profession, stacks with purchased skills
	"level":1,         // Skill level granted
	"name":"archery"   // ID of granted skill


"result": "javelin",         // ID of resulting item
"category": "CC_WEAPON",     // Category of crafting recipe. CC_NONCRAFT used for disassembly recipes
"skill_used": "fabrication", // Skill trained and used for success checks
"requires_skills": [["survival", 1], ["throw", 2]], // Skills required to unlock recipe
"difficulty": 3,             // Difficulty of success check
"time": 5000,                // Time to perform recipe
"reversible": false,         // Can be disassembled.
"autolearn": true,           // Automatically learned upon gaining required skills
"tools": [                   // Tools needed to craft
[                            // Equivalent tools are surrounded by a single set of brackets []
  [ "hatchet", -1 ],         // Charges consumed when tool is used, -1 means no charges are consumed
  [ "knife_steak", -1 ],
  [ "knife_combat", -1 ],
  [ "knife_butcher", -1 ],
  [ "pockknife", -1 ],
  [ "scalpel", -1 ],
  [ "machete", -1 ],
  [ "broadsword", -1 ],
  [ "toolset", -1 ]
    [ "fire", -1 ]
"components": [              // Equivalent components are surrounded by a single set of brackets
  [ "spear_wood", 1 ],       // Number of charges/items required
  [ "pointy_stick", 1 ]
  [ "rag", 1 ],
  [ "leather", 1 ],
  [ "fur", 1 ]
  [ "plant_fibre", 20 ],
  [ "sinew", 20 ],
  [ "thread", 20 ],
  [ "duct_tape", 20 ]


"ident" : "smg",  // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "submachine guns",  // In-game name displayed
"description" : "Your skill with submachine guns and machine pistols. Halfway between a pistol and an assault rifle, these weapons fire and reload quickly, and may fire in bursts, but they are not very accurate.", // In-game description
"tags" : ["gun_type"]  // Special flags (default: none)


"category": "flier", // Category used
	"text": "This is an advertisement for the Diet Devil brand Metabolic Exchange CBM.  It shows a picture of a tiny obese devil sitting on a woman's shoulder. The woman stares intently at a gigantic wedding cake covered with bacon and candybars. The caption reads: \"Burn calories! Burn!\"" // In-game description


"id": "LIGHTEATER",  // Unique ID
"name": "Optimist",  // In-game name displayed
"points": 2,         // Point cost of the trait. Positive values cost points and negative values give points
"visibility": 0,     // Visibility of the trait for purposes of NPC interaction (default: 0)
"ugliness": 0,       // Ugliness of the trait for purposes of NPC interaction (default: 0)
"description": "Nothing gets you down!" // In-game description
"starting_trait": true, // Can be selected at character creation (default: false)
"valid": false,      // Can be mutated ingame (default: true)
"category": ["MUTCAT_BIRD", "MUTCAT_INSECT"], // Categories containing this mutation
"prereqs": ["SKIN_ROUGH"], // Needs these mutations before you can mutate toward this mutation
"cancels": ["ROT1", "ROT2", "ROT3"], // Cancels these mutations when mutating
"changes_to": ["FASTHEALER2"], // Can change into these mutations when mutating further
"leads_to": [], // Mutations that add to this one
"wet_protection":[{ "part": "HEAD", // Wet Protection on specific bodyparts
                    "good": 1 } ] // "neutral/good/ignored" // Good increases pos and cancels neg, neut cancels neg, ignored cancels both


"id": "wheel",                // Unique identifier
"name": "wheel",              // Displayed name
"symbol": "0",                // ASCII character displayed when part is working
"color": "dark_gray",         // Color used when part is working
"broken_symbol": "x",         // ASCII character displayed when part is broken
"broken_color": "light_gray", // Color used when part is broken
"damage_modifier": 50,        // (Optional, default = 100) Dealt damage multiplier when this part hits something, as a percentage. Higher = more damage to creature struck
"durability": 200,            // How much damage the part can take before breaking
"wheel_width": 9,             /* (Optional, default = 0)
                               * SPECIAL: A part may have at most ONE of the following fields:
                               *    wheel_width = base wheel width in inches
                               *    size        = trunk/box storage volume capacity
                               *    power       = base engine power (in liters)
                               *    bonus       = bonus granted; muffler = noise reduction%, seatbelt = bonus to not being thrown from vehicle
                               *    par1        = generic value used for unique bonuses, like the headlight's light intensity */
"fuel_type": "NULL",          // (Optional, default = "NULL") Type of fuel/ammo the part consumes, as an item id
"item": "wheel",              // The item used to install this part, and the item obtained when removing this part
"difficulty": 4,              // Your mechanics skill must be at least this level to install this part
"flags": [                    // Flags associated with the part


"id": "shopping_cart",                     // Internally-used name.
"name": "Shopping Cart",                   // Display name, subject to i18n.
"blueprint": "#",                          // Preview of vehicle - ignored by the code, so use only as documentation
"parts": [                                 // Parts list
    {"x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "box"},       // Part definition, positive x direction is to the left, positive y is to the right
    {"x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "casters"}    // See vehicle_parts.json for part ids
                                           /* Important! Vehicle parts must be defined in the same order you would install
                                            * them in the game (ie, frames and mount points first).
                                            * You also cannot break the normal rules of installation
                                            * (you can't stack non-stackable part flags). */

#raw/items jsons


"type" : "AMMO",      // Defines this as ammo
"id" : "shot_bird",   // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"price" : 500,        // Used when bartering with NPC's
"name" : "birdshot",  // In-game name displayed
"symbol" : "=",       // ASCII character used in-game
"color" : "red",      // ASCII character colour
"description" : "Weak shotgun ammunition. Designed for hunting birds and other small game, its applications in combat are very limited.", // In-game description
"material" : "plastic", // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"volume" : 2,         // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"weight" : 34,        // Weight, measuted in grams
"bashing" : 1,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting" : 0,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit" : 0,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"ammo_type" : "shot", // Determines what it can be loaded in
"damage" : 18,        // Ranged damage when fired
"pierce" : 0,         // Armor piercing ability when fired
"range" : 5,          // Range when fired
"dispersion" : 0,     // Inaccuracy of ammo, measured in quarter-degrees
"recoil" : 18,        // Recoil caused when firing
"count" : 25,         // Number of rounds that spawn together
"stack_size" : 50,    // (Optional) How many rounds are in the above-defined volume. If omitted, is the same as 'count'
"effects" : ["COOKOFF", "SHOT"] // Special effects


"type" : "ARMOR",     // Defines this as armor
"id" : "socks",       // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "socks",     // The name appearing in the examine box.  Can be more than one word separated by spaces
"weight" : 350,       // Weight of armour in grams
"color" : "blue",     // ASCII character colour
"covers" : ["FEET"],  // Where it covers.  Possible options are TORSO, HEAD, EYES, MOUTH, ARMS, HANDS, LEGS, FEET
"to_hit" : 0,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon (whatever for?)
"storage" : 0,        // How many volume storage slots it adds
"symbol" : "[",       // ASCII character used in-game
"description" : "Socks. Put 'em on your feet.", // Description of armour
"price" : 100,        // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material" : ["COTTON", "NULL"],    // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"volume" : 1,         // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"cutting" : 0,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"warmth" : 10,        // How much warmth clothing provides
"phase" : "solid",    // What phase it is
"enviromental_protection" : 0,  // How much environmental protection it affords
"encumberance" : 0,   // Base encumbrance (unfitted value)
"bashing" : -5,       // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"flags" : ["VARSIZE"] // Indicates special effects
"coverage" : 80,      // What percentage of body part
"material_thickness" : 1  // Thickness of material, in millimetre units (approximately).  Generally ranges between 1 - 5, more unusual armour types go up to 10 or more


"type" : "BOOK",      // Defines this as a BOOK
"id" : "textbook_computers", // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "Computer Science 301", // In-game name displayed
"max_level" : 5,      // Maximum skill level this book will train to
"description" : "A college textbook on computer science.", // In-game description
"weight" : 1587,      // Weight, measured in grams
"to_hit" : 1,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"color" : "blue",     // ASCII character colour
"intelligence" : 11,  // Intelligence required to read this book without penalty
"symbol" : "?",       // ASCII character used in-game
"material" : ["paper", "null"], // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"volume" : 7,         // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing" : 5,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting" : 0,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"time" : 35,          // Time (in minutes) a single read session takes
"fun" : -2,           // Morale bonus/penalty for reading
"skill" : "computer", // Skill raised
"price" : 500,        // Used when bartering with NPCs
"required_level" : 2  // Minimum skill level required to learn


"type" : "COMESTIBLE", // Defines this as a COMESTIBLE
"id" : "crack",       // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "crack",     // In-game name displayed
"weight" : 1,         // Weight, measured in grams
"color" : "white",    // ASCII character colour
"addiction_type" : "crack", // Addiction type
"spoils_in" : 0,      // How long a comestible is good for. 0 = no spoilage
"use_action" : "CRACK", // What effects a comestible has when used
"stim" : 40,          // Stimulant effect
"container" : "null", // What container stores this
"to_hit" : 0,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"comestible_type" : "MED", // Comestible type, used for inventory sorting
"symbol" : "!",       // ASCII character used in-game
"quench" : 0,         // Thirst quenched
"heal" : -2,          // Health effects (used for sickness chances)
"addiction_potential" : 80, // Ability to cause addictions
"nutrition" : 0,      // Hunger satisfied
"description" : "Refined cocaine, incredibly addictive.", // In-game description
"price" : 420,        // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material" : "powder", // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"tool" : "apparatus", // Tool required to be eaten/drank
"volume" : 1,         // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"cutting" : 0,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"phase" : "solid",    // What phase it is
"charges" : 4,        // Number of uses when spawned
"stack_size" : 8,     // (Optional) How many uses are in the above-defined volume. If omitted, is the same as 'charges'
"bashing" : 0,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"fun" : 50            // Morale effects when used


"id": "keg",          // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"type": "CONTAINER",  // Defines this as a CONTAINER
"symbol": ")",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "light_cyan", // ASCII character colour
"name": "aluminum keg", // In-game name displayed
"description": "A reusable aluminum keg, used for shipping beer.\nIt has a capacity of 50 liters.", // In-game description
"price": 6000,        // Used when bartering with NPCs
"weight": 13500,      // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": 200,        // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing": -4,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 0,         // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit": -4,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"material": "steel",  // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"contains": 200,      // How much volume this container can hold
"flags": ["RIGID", "SEALS", "WATERTIGHT"] // Indicates special effects


"id": "hatchet",      // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"symbol": ";",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "light_gray", // ASCII character colour
"name": "hatchet",    // In-game name displayed
"description": "A one-handed hatchet. Makes a great melee weapon, and is useful both for cutting wood, and for use as a hammer.", // In-game description
"price": 95,          // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material": ["iron", "wood"], // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"weight": 907,        // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": 6,          // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing": 12,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 12,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"flags" : ["CHOP"],   // Indicates special effects
"to_hit": 1           // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon


"id": "nailgun",      // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"type": "GUN",        // Defines this as a GUN
"symbol": "(",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "light_blue", // ASCII character colour
"name": "nail gun",   // In-game name displayed
"description": "A tool used to drive nails into wood or other material. It could also be used as a ad-hoc weapon, or to practice your handgun skill up to level 1.", // In-game description
"price": 100,         // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material": "iron",   // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"flags": "MODE_BURST", // Indicates special effects
"skill": "pistol",    // Skill used for firing
"ammo": "nail",       // Ammo type accepted for reloading
"weight": 2404,       // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": 4,          // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing": 12,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 0,         // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit": 1,          // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"ranged_damage": 0,   // Ranged damage when fired
"range": 0,           // Range when fired
"dispersion": 32,     // Inaccuracy of gun, measured in quarter-degrees
"recoil": 0,          // Recoil caused when firing
"durability": 8,      // Resistance to damage/rusting, also determines misfire chance
"burst": 5,           // Number of shots fired in burst mode
"clip_size": 100,     // Maximum amount of ammo that can be loaded
"reload": 450         // Amount of time to reload, 100 = 6 seconds = 1 "turn"


"id": "torch_lit",    // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"type": "TOOL",       // Defines this as a TOOL
"symbol": "/",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "brown",     // ASCII character colour
"name": "torch (lit)", // In-game name displayed
"description": "A large stick, wrapped in gasoline soaked rags. This is burning, producing plenty of light", // In-game description
"price": 0,           // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material": "wood",   // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"techniques": "FLAMING", // Combat techniques used by this tool
"flags": "FIRE",      // Indicates special effects
"weight": 831,        // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": 6,          // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing": 12,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 0,         // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit": 3,          // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"max_charges": 75,    // Maximum charges tool can hold
"initial_charges": 75, // Charges when spawned
"charges_per_use": 1, // Charges consumed per tool use
"turns_per_charge": 20, // Charges consumed over time
"ammo": "NULL",       // Ammo type used for reloading
"revert_to": "torch_done", // Transforms into item when charges are expended
"use_action": "TORCH_LIT" // Action performed when tool is used

#json jsons


"type": "furniture",      //Must always be 'furniture'
"name": "toilet",         //Displayed name of the furniture
"symbol": "&",            //Symbol displayed
"color": "white",         //Glyph color. Alternately use 'bgcolor' to use a solid background color.
                          //You must use EXACTLY ONE of 'color' or 'bgcolor'.
"move_cost_mod": 2,       //Movement cost modifier (-10 = impassable, 0 = no change)
"required_str": 18,       //Strength required to move past the terrain easily
"flags": ["TRANSPARENT", "BASHABLE", "FLAMMABLE_HARD"],    //Furniture flags
"examine_action": "toilet" //(OPTIONAL) Function called when examined, see iexamine.cpp.
                           //If omitted, defaults to iexamine::none.


"type": "terrain",         //Must always be 'terrain'
"name": "spiked pit",      //Displayed name of the terrain
"symbol": "0",             //Symbol used
"color": "ltred",          //Color of the symbol
"move_cost": 10,           //Move cost to move through. 2 = normal speed, 0 = impassable
"trap": "spike_pit",       //(OPTIONAL) trap_id minus the tr_ prefix of the trap type.
                           //If omitted, defaults to tr_null.
"flags": ["TRANSPARENT", "DIGGABLE"],   //Terrain flags
"examine_action": "pit"    //(OPTIONAL) Function called when examined, see iexamine.cpp.
                           //If omitted, defaults to iexamine::none.