There's one Dockerfile here that can be used to make images for development and production.
To build an image, run:
cd ./service
docker image build --build-arg api_jar=URL --tag [OWNER/]registry-api-service:TAG .
Replace URL
with the URL (or relative file path) to a registry-api-service.jar
and TAG
with the desired version tag. You can add OWNER/
to tag the image for a specific owner, such as nasapds/
The GitHub Actions configured in this repository automatically make images after each stable-cicd.yaml
workflow (with a :X.Y.Z
tag) and unstable-cicd.yaml
workflow (with a :latest
tag) and publishes them to the Docker Hub.
Building a local image:
$ git clone
$ cd registry-api
$ mvn package
$ docker image build --build-arg api_jar=service/target/registry-api-service-*.jar --tag registry-api-service:latest --file docker/Dockerfile .
Building an image from a released jar file:
$ docker image build --build-arg api_jar= --tag nasapds/registry-api-service:1.0.0 --file docker/Dockerfile .
For a local deployment simply do:
docker run -t -i -e SERVER_PORT=8082 -p 8082:8082 [OWNER/]registry-api-service:TAG
The same image can be used to run in multiple environments by passing arguments at the service start up, through environment variables. The provided options can override the
configuration of the application. The server port needs to define a specific environment variable and match -p option of the docker run.
For example on AWS, with OpenSearch serverless as a back-end:<your opensearch serverless URL> --openSearch.CCSEnabled=true --openSearch.username="" --openSearch.disciplineNodes=atm-delta,en-delta --registry.service.version=1.5.0-SNAPSHOT
You can ignore Dockerfile.local
unless you're @al-niessner.