Frontend Vue app for Balancer exchange and pool management.
To setup the development environment first clone the repo:
git clone && cd frontend-v2
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the app:
npm run serve
The app should be live at http://localhost:8080
If you'd rather spin up the app in a docker container, first install dependencies to you local folder:
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web npm i
and start the app:
docker-compose up
The app should be live at http://localhost:8080
If you are on Apple Silicon, try this:
export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
As we believe in decentralization at all layers, we've made it easy to host your own Balancer Frontend.
We've created a production ready docker image runs a pre-built version of Balancer Frontend-v2 using nginx. You'll need your own Infura, Alchemy, and Blocknative API keys in order to fetch data and execute transactions.
Here's an example of how to run the container. This can also be found in scripts/
docker run \
-e INFURA_PROJECT_ID= \ # Required
-e ALCHEMY_KEY= \ # Required
-e BLOCKNATIVE_DAPP_ID= \ # Required
Click the button below to deploy the frontend Docker image to a new instance in your Digital Ocean account. You will be prompted to provide your Infura Project ID, Alchemy Key, and Blocknative Dapp ID as these are required for the frontend to work correctly.