How to write your own client. The Java client will serve as an example implementation.
- You must be able to send messages via a shard's mainWS connection.
- You must be able to intercept voice server updates from mainWS on your shard connection.
- One of the following WS drafts (all but RFC 6455 is deprecated but should work):
- RFC 6455
- Hybi 17
- Hybi 10
- Hixie 76
- Hixie 75
When opening a websocket connection, you must supply 3 required headers:
Authorization: Password matching the server config
Num-Shards: Total number of shards your bot is operating on
User-Id: The user id of the bot you are playing music with
Make the server queue a voice connection
"op": "connect",
"guildId": "...",
"channelId": "..."
Provide an intercepted voice server update
"op": "voiceUpdate",
"sessionId": "...",
"event": "..."
Close a voice connection
"op": "disconnect",
"guildId": "123"
Response to validationReq
. channelId
is omitted if the request does not display the channel id.
"op": "validationRes",
"guildId": "...",
"channelId": "...",
"valid": true
Response to isConnectedRes
"op": "isConnectedRes",
"shardId": 1337,
"connected": true
Cause the player to play a track.
is an optional setting that determines the number of milliseconds to offset the track by. Defaults to 0.
is an optional setting that determines at the number of milliseconds at which point the track should stop playing. Helpful if you only want to play a snippet of a bigger track. By default the track plays until it's end as per the encoded data.
"op": "play",
"guildId": "...",
"track": "...",
"startTime": "60000",
"endTime": "120000"
Cause the player to stop
"op": "stop",
"guildId": "..."
Set player pause
"op": "pause",
"guildId": "...",
"pause": true
Make the player seek to a position of the track. Position is in millis
"op": "seek",
"guildId": "...",
"position": 60000
Set player volume. Volume may range from 0 to 150. 100 is default.
"op": "volume",
"guildId": "...",
"volume": 125
See for client implementation
Incoming message to forward to mainWS
"op": "sendWS",
"shardId": 1337,
"message": "..."
Request to check if the VC or Guild exists, and that we have access to the VC. Note that the channelId may be omitted, in which case you should only check if we are in the guild.
"op": "validationReq",
"guildId": "...",
"channelId": "..."
Request to check if a shard's mainWS is connected
"op": "isConnectedReq",
"shardId": 1337
Position information about a player. Includes unix timestamp.
"op": "playerUpdate",
"guildId": "...",
"state": {
"time": 1500467109,
"position": 60000
A collection of stats sent every minute.
"op": "stats",
Example implementation of stats:
players = json.getInt("players");
playingPlayers = json.getInt("playingPlayers");
uptime = json.getLong("uptime");
memFree = json.getJSONObject("memory").getInt("free");
memUsed = json.getJSONObject("memory").getInt("used");
memAllocated = json.getJSONObject("memory").getInt("allocated");
memReservable = json.getJSONObject("memory").getInt("reservable");
cpuCores = json.getJSONObject("cpu").getInt("cores");
systemLoad = json.getJSONObject("cpu").getDouble("systemLoad");
lavalinkLoad = json.getJSONObject("cpu").getDouble("lavalinkLoad");
JSONObject frames = json.optJSONObject("frameStats");
if (frames != null) {
avgFramesSentPerMinute = frames.getInt("sent");
avgFramesNulledPerMinute = frames.getInt("nulled");
avgFramesDeficitPerMinute = frames.getInt("deficit");
Server emitted an event. See the client implementation below.
"op": "event",
* Implementation details:
* The only events extending {@link lavalink.client.player.event.PlayerEvent} produced by the remote server are these:
* 1. TrackEndEvent
* 2. TrackExceptionEvent
* 3. TrackStuckEvent
* <p>
* The remaining are caused by the client
private void handleEvent(JSONObject json) throws IOException {
LavalinkPlayer player = (LavalinkPlayer) lavalink.getPlayer(json.getString("guildId"));
PlayerEvent event = null;
switch (json.getString("type")) {
case "TrackEndEvent":
event = new TrackEndEvent(player,
case "TrackExceptionEvent":
event = new TrackExceptionEvent(player,
new RemoteTrackException(json.getString("error"))
case "TrackStuckEvent":
event = new TrackStuckEvent(player,
log.warn("Unexpected event type: " + json.getString("type"));
if (event != null) player.emitEvent(event);
See also:
The REST api is used to resolve audio tracks for use with the play
GET /loadtracks?identifier=dQw4w9WgXcQ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Authorization: youshallnotpass
"info": {
"identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
"isSeekable": true,
"author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
"length": 212000,
"isStream": false,
"position": 0,
"title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
"uri": ""
- When your shard's mainWS connection dies, so does all your lavalink audio connections.
- This also includes resumes
- When a client connection to Lavalink-Server disconnects, all connections and players for that session are shut down.
- If Lavalink-Server suddenly dies (think SIGKILL) the client will have to terminate any audio connections by sending this event: