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Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages.
ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
APM, Application Performance Monitoring System
eladmin jpa 版本:项目基于 Spring Boot 2.6.4、 Jpa、 Spring Security、Redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由
A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
🏆Gitee 最有价值开源项目 🚀:100: 小而全而美的第三方登录开源组件。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐、Gitlab、美团、饿…
Tools to work with android .dex and java .class files
A declarative API to handle Android runtime permissions.
Open source version of Google Authenticator (except the Android app)
An Android NFC app for reading, writing, analyzing, etc. MIFARE Classic RFID tags.
cSploit - The most complete and advanced IT security professional toolkit on Android.
Android-BLE蓝牙框架,提供了扫描、连接、使能/除能通知、发送/读取数据、接收数据,读取rssi,设置mtu等蓝牙相关的所有操作接口,内部优化了连接队列,以及快速写入队列, 并支持多服务通讯,可扩展配置蓝牙相关操作。
Tencent Cloud Chat features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication.
Exception Stack Trace Decoder for ESP8266 and ESP32
mqtt-spy is an open source desktop & command line utility intended to help you with monitoring activity on MQTT topics
Development repository for the App Center SDK for Android
Build a Bluetooth GATT server with Android Things
App Center Sample App for Android