A simple and easy-to-use file-format to package raylib resources.
rres has been designed to package game assets data into a simple self-contained comprehensive format, easy to read and use, prepared to load data in a fast and efficient way to be directly deployed to memory.
rres has been inspired mainly by XNB file-format (used by XNA) but also RIFF, PNG and ZIP file-formats.
First design of the format was limited to packaging one resource after another, every resource consisted of one InfoHeader
followed by a fixed set of four possible parameters and the resource data. Along the .rres file, a .h header file was also generated to map the resId
with a resource name (usually the original filename of the un-processed data). This model was pretty simple and intuitive but it has some important downsides, like not considering complex pieces of data that could require multiple chunks.
Second design was way more complex and tried to address first design shortcomings. In this design every resource could consist of multiple chunks of separate data, clearly defined by a set of properties and parameters. Actually, that design is more aligned with RIFF file-format and how most file types are structure, we could understand every resource in the package as a separate file on its own; also, this new design improves packaging possibilities and features.
rREM was a preliminary implementation of a tool to support rres file generation from multiple assets data.
rREM provides compilation using either VS2017 or CMake.
To compile rREM using CMake, run the following commands...
cd tools/rrem/project/CMake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
rRES file-format is licensed under zlib/libpng license. Check LICENSE for further details.
Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)