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Deploying Debezium on OpenShift

This demo shows how to deploy Debezium on a developer OpenShift instance using Minishift tool.


Debezium Deployment

Albeit Debezium comes with its own set of images we are going to re-use Kafka broker and Kafka Connect images that are built and delivered by the Strimzi project can be used, which offers "Kafka as a Service". It consists of enterprise grade configuration files and images that bring Kafka to OpenShift.

First we install the Kafka broker and Kafka Connect templates into our OpenShift project:

oc create -f
oc create -f

Next we will create a Kafka Connect image with deployed Debezium connectors and deploy a Kafka broker cluster and Kafka Connect cluster:

# Deploy a Kafka broker
oc new-app -p ZOOKEEPER_NODE_COUNT=1 strimzi

# Build a Debezium image
oc new-app -p BUILD_NAME=debezium -p TARGET_IMAGE_NAME=debezium -p TARGET_IMAGE_TAG=$DEBEZIUM_VERSION strimzi-connect-s2i
mkdir -p plugins && cd plugins && \
for PLUGIN in {mongodb,mysql,postgres}; do \
    curl$PLUGIN/$DEBEZIUM_VERSION/debezium-connector-$PLUGIN-$DEBEZIUM_VERSION-plugin.tar.gz | tar xz; \
done && \
oc start-build debezium --from-dir=. --follow && \
cd .. && rm -rf plugins

After a while all parts should be up and running:

oc get pods
NAME                    READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
debezium-1-build        0/1       Completed   0          3m
debezium-2-build        0/1       Completed   0          3m
kafka-0                 1/1       Running     2          3m
kafka-1                 1/1       Running     0          2m
kafka-2                 1/1       Running     0          2m
kafka-connect-3-3v4n9   1/1       Running     1          3m
zookeeper-0             1/1       Running     0          3m

Verify Deployment

Next we are going to verify if the deployment is correct by emulating the Debezium Tutorial in the OpenShift environment.

First we need to start a MySQL server instance:

# Deploy pre-populated MySQL instance
oc new-app --name=mysql debezium/example-mysql:0.8

# Configure credentials for the database
oc env dc/mysql  MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=debezium  MYSQL_USER=mysqluser MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysqlpw

A new pod with MySQL server should be up and running:

oc get pods
NAME                             READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-1-4503l                    1/1       Running     0          2s
mysql-1-deploy                   1/1       Running     0          4s

Then we are going to register the Debezium MySQL connector to run against the deployed MySQL instance:

cat register.json | oc exec -i kafka-0 -- curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://kafka-connect:8083/connectors -d @-

Kafka Connect's log file should contain messages regarding execution of initial snapshot:

oc logs $(oc get pods -o name -l name=kafka-connect)

Read customer table CDC messages from the Kafka topic:

oc exec -it kafka-0 -- /opt/kafka/bin/ \
    --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
    --from-beginning \
    --property print.key=true \
    --topic dbserver1.inventory.customers

Modify some records in the CUSTOMERS table of the database:

oc exec -it $(oc get pods -o --no-headers -l app=mysql) -- bash -c 'mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD inventory'

You should see additional change messages in the consumer started before.

Using Minishift add-ons

If you have already gone through the process and you would like to speed up repeated deployment then you can use Minishift add-on feature. We are providing two add-ons for Minishift: debezium that deploys Kafka broker and Connect cluster and tutorial-database that deploys pre-populated and pre-configured MySQL instance.

Install add-ons:

minishift addon install debezium
minishift addon install tutorial-database

Deploy the Kafka broker, Kafka Connect with Debezium and MySQL example database:

minishift addon apply -a DEBEZIUM_VERSION=1.4.0.Final -a DEBEZIUM_PLUGIN=mysql -a PROJECT=myproject debezium
minishift addon apply -a DEBEZIUM_TAG=0.8 -a PROJECT=myproject tutorial-database