Prove anything* about Yul programs.
There are two parts.
- A Lean framework with a Yul model.
- A verification condition generator.
Download and install Lean 4. One can follow https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/quickstart.html.
To obtain precompiled files for the dependency Mathlib, run the following in the root directory (this is optional, it saves time):
lake exe cache get
Then simply run the following in the root directory:
lake build
Download and install Stack. One can follow https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/.
Then simply run the following in the vc
stack build
In the vc
directory, run:
stack run vc ../out/peano.yul
You should get a Generated
folder corresponding with the structure of the Peano example
in the out/peano.yul