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File metadata and controls

145 lines (107 loc) · 6.78 KB
Puffin Spec

Puffin file format

This is a specification for Puffin, a file format designed to store information such as indexes and statistics about data managed in an Iceberg table that cannot be stored directly within the Iceberg manifest. A Puffin file contains arbitrary pieces of information (here called "blobs"), along with metadata necessary to interpret them. The blobs supported by Iceberg are documented at Blob types.

Format specification

A file conforming to the Puffin file format specification should have the structure as described below.


Currently, there is a single version of the Puffin file format, described below.

File structure

The Puffin file has the following structure

Magic Blob₁ Blob₂ ... Blobₙ Footer


  • Magic is four bytes 0x50, 0x46, 0x41, 0x31 (short for: Puffin Fratercula arctica, version 1),
  • Blobᵢ is i-th blob contained in the file, to be interpreted by application according to the footer,
  • Footer is defined below.

Footer structure

Footer has the following structure

Magic FooterPayload FooterPayloadSize Flags Magic


  • Magic: four bytes, same as at the beginning of the file
  • FooterPayload: optionally compressed, UTF-8 encoded JSON payload describing the blobs in the file, with the structure described below
  • FooterPayloadSize: a length in bytes of the FooterPayload (after compression, if compressed), stored as 4 byte integer
  • Flags: 4 bytes for boolean flags
    • byte 0 (first)
      • bit 0 (lowest bit): whether FooterPayload is compressed
      • all other bits are reserved for future use and should be set to 0 on write
    • all other bytes are reserved for future use and should be set to 0 on write

A 4 byte integer is always signed, in a two's complement representation, stored little-endian.

Footer Payload

Footer payload bytes is either uncompressed or LZ4-compressed (as a single LZ4 compression frame with content size present), UTF-8 encoded JSON payload representing a single FileMetadata object.


FileMetadata has the following fields

Field Name Field Type Required Description
blobs list of BlobMetadata objects yes
properties JSON object with string property values no storage for arbitrary meta-information, like writer identification/version. See Common properties for properties that are recommended to be set by a writer.


BlobMetadata has the following fields

Field Name Field Type Required Description
type JSON string yes See Blob types
fields JSON list of ints yes List of field IDs the blob was computed for; the order of items is used to compute sketches stored in the blob.
snapshot-id JSON long yes ID of the Iceberg table's snapshot the blob was computed from.
sequence-number JSON long yes Sequence number of the Iceberg table's snapshot the blob was computed from.
offset JSON long yes The offset in the file where the blob contents start
length JSON long yes The length of the blob stored in the file (after compression, if compressed)
compression-codec JSON string no See Compression codecs. If omitted, the data is assumed to be uncompressed.
properties JSON object with string property values no storage for arbitrary meta-information about the blob

Blob types

The blobs can be of a type listed below

apache-datasketches-theta-v1 blob type

A serialized form of a "compact" Theta sketch produced by the Apache DataSketches library. The sketch is obtained by constructing Alpha family sketch with default seed, and feeding it with individual distinct values converted to bytes using Iceberg's single-value serialization.

The blob metadata for this blob may include following properties:

  • ndv: estimate of number of distinct values, derived from the sketch, stored as non-negative integer value represented using decimal digits with no leading or trailing spaces.

Compression codecs

The data can also be uncompressed. If it is compressed the codec should be one of codecs listed below. For maximal interoperability, other codecs are not supported.

Codec name Description
lz4 Single LZ4 compression frame, with content size present
zstd Single Zstandard compression frame, with content size present

Common properties

When writing a Puffin file it is recommended to set the following fields in the FileMetadata's properties field.

  • created-by - human-readable identification of the application writing the file, along with its version. Example "Trino version 381".