Based on the popular MARS Simulator created by Pete Sanderson and Kenneth Vollmar, MARS Delta Edition provides some extra tools to ease the analysis of MIPS assembly programs such as:
- CPI calculations
- Detailed datapath analysis ( not animated like the MIPS X-Ray tool but better in my honest opinion )
These extra tools are surely going to help undergraduate students studying the MIPS architecture.
I wish I could get more engaged with this project but its' code quality makes it almost completely unmaintainable. Even the initial creators admit their design mistakes in some points of the project - they have a deep sense of humor.
NOTE: The splash screen image has changed compared to the original release. This image is just a meme and Harokopio University of Athens is not in any way involved in this project. Respect to the Missouri State University, Pete Sanderson and Kenneth Vollmar, for creating such a useful tool for the academia community.