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2-in-1 strap

This design is intended for printing with TPU. You will need a hot glue gun for assembly.

Fusion 360 exports and generic STEP files are both provided

render of remote

Assembly Instructions


  • In case you need to flip the orientation of the shifter, you can easily do so in the SmartSpin2K User Interface. Navigate to http://SmartSpin2K.local/. Here, you can toggle the Shifter Direction button until the device shifts in the right direction and save your settings. You can verify your settings in the Web Shifter


Printing instructions

The bridging layers on this print are tricky to get right with TPU. It is important to minimize gaps in the bridging layers and ensure it is well sealed against sweat and water. The instructions listed here have worked well in Superslicer or Prusaslicer. With good cooling and a slow print speed, this print is very achievable.

If you are unsure, print test_housing.stl - this will print much more quickly than the full strap and allow you to dial in the print using less material and time.

  • Cooling fan at 75% (this is different for every printer and duct - I'm using a single 5015 fan)
  • 0.2mm layer height with 0.4mm nozzle
  • 3 perimeters
  • Supports disabled
  • 20% infill
  • Monotonic top, solid, and bottom infills
  • Infill Angle - 90 Degrees (You want the lines following the length of the strap)
  • close up of strap
  • Add a height range modifier on the strap from 8.85-13.70mm with the following settings. The combination of ironing and concentric infill help ensure a watertight finish. -- Solid Infill pattern: Ironing -- Top Infill Pattern: Concentric -- layer settings screenshot

[Test Print]

  • test_housing.stl

[Full Set]

  • shifter_set.stl


  • strap.stl


  • plug.stl - x2


  • retainer.stl