This Max (Cycling74') Package is a toolbox suite based on spat5 software suite for real-time spatialization, artificial reverberation, binaural, OSC control and connectivity with HOLOPHONIX Software.
This package is a collection of tools around spatialization created by the author during his thesis around various concerts / events / festivals / installations. These tools are either first experimentation of features, extensions tools from spat5 that appeared to be needed during projects. Some of theses features if validated by experimentation and real life testing finish in commercial product HOLOPHONIX (
Link to thè :
author: Adrien ZANNI.
Adrien is a sound-engineer / sound scenographer / PhD student with Paris 8 University (EDESTA - MUSIDANCE/CICM Team) & lead developer of HOLOPHONIX.
HOLOPHONIX project is a project in partnership with Amadeus & IRCAM
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