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Subsets Generation using Bit Masking

Algorithm that uses bit masking to generate all possible subsets from a given array with a chosen data type.



1) Template is used to give the flexibility of chooseing the data type.
2) Create 2D vector of size (1<<(array size)) = 2^(array size)
3) Loop on all masks of size (2^(array size))
4) In each mask iteration loop on the given array
5) if((mask >> i) & 1) is the i-th bit of this mask 1?
    true: push in result vector of mask as index the array element.
    false: continue


  • Time Complexity : O(N * 2^N)
  • Space Space : O(N * N)


  • Trivial to iterate over all possible subsets of N-element, as a N-bit value represents a subset.


  • Problem must have small constraints as Bitmasking takes up to exponential time.

Count Set Bits

Problem Statement

Given a positive integer N, print count of set bits in it. Set Bits are the no. of bits that are 1.


Example 1 : Input : N = 6

        Output : 2

Example 2 : Input : N = 8

         Output : 1



  • This algorithm is of fast approach as mentioned in code.
  • Given a number N.
  • Run the while loop till number is greater than 0.
  • Do Bitwise AND operation of that number to its preceding number.
  • Assign the result to that original number.
  • Increment the counter by 1.
  • Return the counter.

Time Complexity and Space Complexity

Time Complexity : O(n log n)

Space Complexity : O(1)

Maximize Expression

Problem Statement

Given two positive integers X and Y. Let’s define W such that Y AND W = W. The task is to maximize the expression X XOR Y.


Example 1 : Input: X = 11 Y = 4 Output: 15

Example 2 : Input: X = 9 and Y = 13 Output: 13


  • Take the two inputs X and Y, pass through the function (Maximize Expression) to maximize the expression.
  • We initialize our result with A.
  • Next we will consider the ith bit of W to be 1.
  • Next step will invlove calculating the value of (Y and bitofW).
  • We check if the bitofW satifies the expression- (Y and W=0).
  • Finally we check if bitofW can maximize (X xor W).
  • And thus, we return our ans.

Time Complexity and Space Complexity

Time Complexity : O(MAX)

Space Complexity : O(1)