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PDS : The Personal Data Server (PDS). This is ATP's main server-side implementation.
Dev Env : A command-line application for developers to construct and manage development environments.
Lexicon CLI : A command-line application for generating code and documentation from Lexicon schemas.
API : A library for communicating with ATP servers.
Auth : ATP's core permissioning library (based on UCANs).
Common : A library containing code which is shared between ATP packages.
Crypto : ATP's common cryptographic operations.
DID Resolver : A library for resolving ATP's Decentralized ID methods.
Lexicon : A library for validating data using ATP's schema system.
NSID : A parser and generator of NSIDs.
PLC : The did:placeholder implementation.
Repo : The "ATP repository" core implementation (a Merkle Search Tree).
URI : A parser and generator of at://
XRPC : An XRPC client implementation.
XRPC Server : An XRPC server implementation.
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