The nfqueue-loadbalancer
release includes a development environment that let you extend or alter the
To build the nfqlb
#sudo apt install -y libmnl-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev
export NFQLB_DIR=/path/to/nfqlb-x.y.z # the release directory
cd $NFQLB_DIR/src
make help
make -j8
New commands can be added to nfqlb
without altering the nfqlb
code. This allows you to maintain a modified nfqlb
outside, and
independent of, the nfqlb
A new command must add itself using a "constructor";
__attribute__ ((__constructor__)) static void addCommands(void) {
addCmd("xlb", cmdXlb);
The constructor is executed before main()
(similar to static
constructors in C++).
The modified nfqlb
then can be built with;
gcc -o mynfqlb -pthread -I$NFQLB_DIR/include cmdXlb.c $NFQLB_DIR/src/*.c \
-L$NFQLB_DIR/lib -lnfqlb -lmnl -lnetfilter_queue -lrt
An example is included in src/extension
cd $NFQLB_DIR/src/extension
make help
make -j8
On Ubuntu
static libraries for netfilter_queue
are not included so
the source must be downloaded and built locally;
cd $NFQLB_DIR/src
./ libnfqueue_download
./ libnfqueue_unpack --dest=/tmp/$USER/nfqlb
./ libnfqueue_build --dest=/tmp/$USER/nfqlb
Now build a statically linked binary with;
export NFQD=/tmp/$USER/nfqlb/libnetfilter_queue-1.0.3/sys/usr/local
cd $NFQLB_DIR/src/extension
#make clean # (remove any lingering dynamic build)
make -j8 static