A CLS-compliant implementation of the Named Binary Tag (NBT) specifications (Java/Bedrock), written in pure C# with no external dependencies and targeting a wide variety of .NET implementations and languages on all platforms.
- Java/Bedrock Support: Supports all NBT protocols used by different versions of Minecraft, including: Java, Bedrock (file protocol), and Bedrock (network protocol), including full support for either GZip/ZLib compression, big/little endian, and variable length integers with optional ZigZag encoding.
- Ease-of-use: An intuitive API design, following the style and conventions of the .NET runtime, with full Intellisense for every member: Spend more time being productive and less time digging through documentation.
- Performance: Leverages the power of modern C# language features, including
, etc. This allows for a type-safe way to reinterpret raw buffers without pointers or making unnecessary copies of buffers, a common pitfall with serialization in type-safe languages. - Concurrency: Includes standard async/await concurrency patterns for reading and writing.
- Cross-platform and cross-language support: Fully CLR compliant and build against .NET Standard 2.1, allowing support for any CLR language (i.e. C#, Visual Basic, F#, etc.) for the following runtime versions or greater:
- .NET Standard 2.1
- .NET 5.0
- .NET Core 3.0
- Mono 6.4
- Xamarin.iOS 12.16
- Xamarin.Mac 5.16
- Xamarin.Android 10.0
- Unity 2021.2.0b6
- Callbacks: Can subscribe to events that get a callback as the parser steps through a stream to get immediate feedback without waiting for document completion. This allows subscribers to even parse the payload themselves and handle the event entirely.
Please see the wiki for more detailed explanations. Feel free to improve it by contributing!
At its simplest, reading an NBT document is one-liner:
CompoundTag tag = NbtFile.Read("/path/to/file.nbt", FormatOptions.Java, CompressionType.AutoDetect);
Likewise writing a completed NBT tag is a one-liner:
// Assuming "tag" is a valid variable
NbtFile.Write("/path/to/file.nbt", tag, FormatOptions.BedrockFile, CompressionType.ZLib);
While there is functionality to output NBT to other human-readable formats like JSON, if you simply need to visualize a tag, there is a custom "pretty printed" output you can use:
bigtest.nbt from https://wiki.vg/
var tag = NbtFile.Read("bigtest.nbt", FormatOptions.Java, CompressionType.GZip);
TAG_Compound("Level"): [11 entries]
TAG_Long("longTest"): 9223372036854775807
TAG_Short("shortTest"): 32767
TAG_Float("floatTest"): 0.49823147
TAG_Int("intTest"): 2147483647
TAG_Compound("nested compound test"): [2 entries]
TAG_Compound("ham"): [2 entries]
TAG_String("name"): "Hampus"
TAG_Float("value"): 0.75
TAG_Compound("egg"): [2 entries]
TAG_String("name"): "Eggbert"
TAG_Float("value"): 0.5
TAG_List("listTest (long)"): [5 entries]
TAG_Long(None): 11
TAG_Long(None): 12
TAG_Long(None): 13
TAG_Long(None): 14
TAG_Long(None): 15
TAG_List("listTest (compound)"): [2 entries]
TAG_Compound(None): [2 entries]
TAG_String("name"): "Compound tag #0"
TAG_Long("created-on"): 1264099775885
TAG_Compound(None): [2 entries]
TAG_String("name"): "Compound tag #1"
TAG_Long("created-on"): 1264099775885
TAG_Byte("byteTest"): 127
TAG_Byte_Array("byteArrayTest (the first 1000 values of (n*n*255+n*7)%100, starting with n=0 (0, 62, 34, 16, 8, ...))"): [1000 elements]
TAG_Double("doubleTest"): 0.4931287132182315
There is much more to SharpNBT than the examples above, please see the wiki for more details, with real-world examples.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ForeverZer0/SharpNBT. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
Pull requests are always welcome.
The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the SharpNBT project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
This project would not be possible without all the contributors to the https://wiki.vg/ site and its maintainers, who have created an invaluable source of information for developers for everything related to the game of Minecraft.
If you benefit from this project, please consider supporting it by giving it a star on GitHub!