Most projects involving either cloud infrastructure or of a certain complexity will involve secrets of some kind. A ZenML Secret is a grouping of key-value pairs. These are accessed and administered via the ZenML Secret Manager (a stack component).
The example pipeline is simple as can be. In our one and only step we access the
stacks active secret manager and
query for an example called example_secret
. We then access the contents of
this secret and query the secret with the
unique key: example_secret_key
Similarly, you would be able to pass access keys, password, credentials and so on into your pipeline steps to do with as you please.
In order to run this example, you need to install and initialize ZenML. Within this example You'll be able to choose between using the local yaml based secrets manager, the AWS Secrets Manager, the GCP Secret Manager or the Azure Key Vault
# install CLI
pip install zenml
# pull example
zenml example pull cloud_secrets_manager
cd zenml_examples/cloud_secrets_manager
# Initialize ZenML repo
zenml init
To get going with aws make sure to have your aws credential set up locally. We recommend this guide to make sure everything is set up properly.
zenml integration install aws
zenml secrets-manager register aws_secrets_manager --flavor=aws
zenml stack register secrets_stack -m default -o default -a default -x aws_secrets_manager --set
To get going with gcp make sure to have gcloud set up locally with a user or
ideally a service account with permissions to access the secret manager.
This guide should help you get
started. Once everything is set up on your machine, make sure to enable the
secrets manager API within your GCP project. You will need to create a project
and get the project_id
which will need to be specified when you register the
secrets manager.
zenml integration install gcp
zenml secrets-manager register gcp_secrets_manager --flavor=gcp_secrets_manager --project_id=PROJECT_ID
zenml stack register secrets_stack -m default -o default -a default -x gcp_secrets_manager --set
To get going with Azure you will need to install and configure the Azure CLI with the correct credentials to access the Azure secrets manager.
zenml integration install azure
zenml secrets-manager register azure_key_vault --flavor=azure_key_vault --key_vault_name=<VAULT-NAME>
zenml stack register secrets_stack -m default -o default -a default -x azure_key_vault --set
To get going with Vault you will need to have a running Vault server, either set up a
Vault Server or use
HashiCorp Cloud Platform Vault and generate your authentication token.
Once everything is set up, you will need to enable KV Secrets Engine - Version 2
and save the path which will be used for the mount_point
zenml integration install vault
zenml secrets-manager register vault --flavor=vault --url=<YOUR_VAULT_URL> --token=<YOUR_VAULT_TOKEN> --mount_point=<PATH_TO_KV_V2_ENGINE>
zenml stack register secrets_stack -m default -o default -a default -x vault --set
In case you run into issues with either of the clouds, feel free to use a local
secret manager. Just replace --flavor=aws
with --flavor=local
to use a file-based version of a secret manager. Be aware that this is not
a recommended location to store sensitive information.
Here we are creating a secret called example_secret
which contains a single
key-value pair:
{example_secret_key: example_secret_value}
zenml secrets-manager secret register example_secret --example_secret_key=example_secret_value
Now we're ready. Execute:
Alternatively, if you want to run based on the config.yaml you can run with:
zenml pipeline run pipelines/secret_loading_pipeline/ -c config.yaml
In order to clean up, delete the example secret:
zenml secrets-manager secret delete example_secret
and the remaining ZenML references.
rm -rf zenml_examples
If you want to learn more about secret managers in general or about how to build your own secret manager in ZenML check out our docs.
We also have extensive CLI docs for the secret manager and the secrets.