- Schema DevV5 with copies of tables concept, concept_relationship and concept_synonym from ProdV5, fully indexed.
- SNOMED must be loaded first.
- Working directory is OPS.
Sequence of actions:
Download all ClaML files from for all years
Use Python processing script ( to extract source files and fill in the source tables. Append resulting tables to ops_src_agg and modifiers_append with version year as last field.
Run FastRecreate:
SELECT devv5.FastRecreateSchema(main_schema_name=>'devv5', include_concept_ancestor=> false,
include_deprecated_rels=> true, include_synonyms=> true);
Run load_stage.sql.
Run check_stage_tables function (should retrieve NULL):
SELECT * FROM qa_tests.check_stage_tables();
- Run generic_update:
DO $_$
PERFORM devv5.GenericUpdate();
END $_$;
- Run basic tables check (should retrieve NULL):
SELECT * FROM qa_tests.get_checks();
- Perform manual work described in the file in the 'manual_work' folder.
Repeat steps 3-8.
Run manual_checks_after_generic.sql, and interpret the results.
Clear cache:
SELECT * FROM qa_tests.purge_cache();
- Run scripts to get summary, and interpret the results:
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_summary('concept');
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_summary('concept_relationship');
- Run scripts to collect statistics, and interpret the results:
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_domain_changes();
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_newly_concepts();
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_standard_concept_changes();
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_newly_concepts_standard_concept_status();
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_changes_concept_mapping();
- If no problems, enjoy!
Manual tables directory permalink:
TODO: Update scripts to depend on basic tables to extract dates, so that we need only ClaML files for current year.