Update of SNOMED Veterinary
- Schema DevV5 with copies of tables concept, concept_relationship and concept_synonym from ProdV5, fully indexed.
- Working directory SNOMED Veterinary.
- SNOMED must be loaded first.
- Run create_source_tables.sql
- Download the Veterinary Extension of SNOMED CT file SnomedCT_Release_VTSzzzzzzz_yyyymmdd.zip from https://vtsl.vetmed.vt.edu/extension/
- Extract the following files from the folder \Full\Terminology:
- sct2_Concept_Full_VTS_YYYYMMDD.txt
- sct2_Description_Full_en_VTS_YYYYMMDD.txt
- sct2_Relationship_Full_VTS_YYYYMMDD.txt Rename files to sct2_Concept_Full_VTS.txt, sct2_Description_Full_VTS.txt, sct2_Relationship_Full_VTS.txt
Extract der2_cRefset_AssociationReferenceFull_VTS_YYYYMMDD.txt from SnomedCT_Release_VTSzzzzzzz\Full\Refset\Content Rename to der2_cRefset_AssociationFull_VTS.txt
Run in devv5 (with fresh vocabulary date and version): SELECT sources.load_input_tables('SNOMED Veterinary',TO_DATE('20181001','YYYYMMDD'),'SNOMED Veterinary 20181001');
SELECT devv5.FastRecreateSchema(main_schema_name=>'devv5', include_concept_ancestor=> true, include_deprecated_rels=> true, include_synonyms=> true);
- Run load_stage.sql
- Run generic_update:
DO $_$ BEGIN PERFORM devv5.GenericUpdate(); END $_$;
- Run basic tables check (should retrieve NULL):
SELECT * FROM qa_tests.get_checks();
- Run scripts to get summary, and interpret the results:
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_summary('concept', 'devv5'); SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_summary('concept_relationship', 'devv5');
- Run scripts to collect statistics, and interpret the results:
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_domain_changes(); SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_newly_concepts(); SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_standard_concept_changes(); SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_newly_concepts_standard_concept_status(); SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qa_tests.get_changes_concept_mapping();
- If no problems, enjoy!