ePO is organised in modules. The main module is called ePO Core and contains the most essential concepts of the ontology.
In addition, there are the following modules that extend the Core:
- eAccess
- eCatalogue
- eContract
- eFulfilment
- eInvoicing
- eNotice
- eOrdering
- eSubmission
Each module folder is structured as follows:
The conventions_report folder contains the UML Conventions comformance report of the specified module (as an HTML page). An automatically generated report that lists the ontology concepts in the XML file (under the xmi_conceptual_model folder) that violate the ePO UML conventions.
The model2owl-config folder contains the configuration files necessary for the model2owl toolchain to transform the .xml file of the specified module to a formal OWL ontology including SHACL shapes.
The owl_ontology folder contains the ontology files of the specified module, as well as the restriction files. The files are available in XML/RDF and Turtle/RDF formats.
The shacl_shapes folder contains the SHACL shapes of the specified module in RDF and Turtle format. SHACL ( Shapes Constraint Language) is a W3C standard used for validating the contents of an RDF graph.
The xmi_conceptual_model folder contains the .xml file of the specified module. A representation of the UML model of the Ontology.
The modules mentioned above are defined in the ePO Ontology Architecture file.