🛑 No longer used as replaced by issue forms, and as such unmaintained and considered archived
This action performs some validation checks against incoming issues.
Currently only the presence of a configured keyphrase
in the issue's OP is checked.
Issues can be excluded from validation through present labels, snippets in their title or author (exact match or public organization membership). Ignore matching is not case sensitive.
Required The GitHub token to use, should usually be set to secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN
The path to the yml configuration file.
If set, no actual action will be performed, the action will perform a dry-run only.
name: "Issue validator"
types: ["opened", "edited"]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: OctoPrint/actions/issue-validation@main
repo-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
approve_label: approved
problem_label: incomplete
- bug
- request
- improvement
- brainstorming
- task
- rc feedback
- awaiting information
- not octoprint
- approved
- done
- '[Request]'
- '[Brainstorming]'
- '[RC Feedback]'
- 'Feature Request'
- @octoprint
- sentry-io
- FormerLurker
- bzed
keyphrase: I like cookies
validation_comment: >
Hi @@@AUTHOR@@,
it looks like there is some **information missing** from your bug report that will
be needed in order to solve the problem. Read the [Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
which will provide you with a template to fill out here so that your bug report
is ready to be investigated (I promise I'll go away then too!).
If you did not intend to report a bug but wanted to **request a feature or brain
storm** about some kind of development, please take special note of the title format
to use as described in the [Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
**Please do not abuse the bug tracker as a support forum** - that can be found at
[community.octoprint.org](https://community.octoprint.org). Go there for any kind
of issues with network connectivity, webcam functionality, printer detection or
any other kind of such support requests or general questions.
Also **make sure you are at the right place** - this is the bug tracker of the official
version of OctoPrint, not the Raspberry Pi image OctoPi nor any unbundled third
party OctoPrint plugins or unofficial versions. Make sure too that you have **read
through the [Frequently Asked Questions](http://faq.octoprint.org)** and searched
the [**existing tickets**](https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint/search?q=&ref=cmdform&type=Issues)
for your problem - try multiple search terms please.
I'm marking this one now as needing some more information. Please understand that
if you do not provide that information within the next two weeks
I'll close this ticket so it doesn't clutter the bug tracker. This is nothing
personal, it's needed to keep this project manageable. Please just be considerate
and help the maintainers solve this problem
quickly by following the guidelines linked above. Remember, the less time the devs
have to spend running after information on tickets, the more time they have to actually
solve problems and add awesome new features. Thank you!
*I'm just a bot 🤖, not a human being, so don't expect any replies
from me :) Your ticket is read by humans too, I'm just not one of them.*