Generates an rpi-imager.json snippet based on given checksums, sizes and metadata.
Supposed to be used in tandem with OctoPrint/actions/package-rpi-image.
Required The name of the distribution.
Required The description of the distribution.
Required The icon of the distribution.
Required The download URL for the image zip.
Required The path to the rpi-imager.json file.
Required The SHA256 hash of the image.
Required The size of the image in bytes.
Required The SHA256 hash of the zip file.
Required The size of the zip file in bytes.
Optional The devices the image is compatible with. Needs to be a comma separated list with device identifiers as found here. If not provided, the devices
field will be omitted from the generated snippet.
Optional The init format of the image, defaults to systemd.
- name: "🆕 Generate rpi-imager.json snippet"
uses: OctoPrint/actions/rpi-imager-snippet@main
name: "${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}"
description: "A Raspberry Pi distribution for 3d printers. Ships OctoPrint ${{ env.OCTOPRINT_VERSION }} out-of-the-box."
icon: ""
url: "${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}/${{ }}"
output: "build/rpi-imager.json"
image_sha256: ${{ steps.package-image.outputs.image_sha256 }}
image_size: ${{ steps.package-image.outputs.image_size }}
zip_sha256: ${{ steps.package-image.outputs.zip_sha256 }}
zip_size: ${{ steps.package-image.outputs.zip_size }}
devices: "pi4-32bit,pi3-32bit,pi2-32bit,pi1-32bit"