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	<title>Parallax README</title>
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	<h1>Parallax README</h1>

			<p>Type: JavaScript namespace</p>
				The Parallax object contains all the system methods necessary to
				use it.	This is the only object one usually need to make things

						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">Parallax.init</span><span class="value">()</span></span></pre>
						Initiates the parallax effects. Should be called when
						the page has finnished loading (window.onload or later).
						It can safely be called	multiple times.
						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">Parallax.onscroll</span><span class="value">()</span></span></pre>
						Updates all parallax elements. It should be called when
						the user has scrolled the page (window.onscroll is
						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">Parallax.onresize</span><span class="value">()</span></span></pre>
						Updates all parallax elements with a new window size.
						It should be called when the user has resized the window
						(window.onresize is	prefered).
						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">Parallax.enable</span><span class="value">(enable)</span></span></pre>
						Enables or disables the parallax effects. It will stop
						the initiation of the effects if called with false
						before Parallax.init() is called. The parallax effects
						are enabled as default.

						<li><b>enable</b> [boolean] - pass true if the parallax effects should be used. Pass false
						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">Parallax.addElement</span><span class="value">(parallaxObject)</span></span></pre>
						Use this to programatically add more parallax elements.

						<li><b>parallaxObject</b> [Any parallax object] - The object to add into the parallax system.</li>

			<pre><code>var enableParallax = true;

window.onload = Parallax.init;
window.onscroll = Parallax.onscroll;
window.onresize = Parallax.onresize;

myButton.onclick = function() {
	enableParallax = !enableParallax; //Toggle enableParallax

				These are blocks tags where parallax effects are applied. These	can contain other elements with different effects. The
				background image should be longer than the section box, contain a single
				object with	transparent background or be tiled for a good effect.

			<h3>Auto initializing conditions</h3>
			<p>HTML tags: &lt;section&gt;, &lt;div&gt;</p>
			<p>Class name: parallax</p>

			<h3>HTML Attributes</h3>
						<pre class="xml"><span class="tag"><span class="attribute">data-speed</span>=<span class="value">"[float]"</span></span>
					<td>The speed of the parallax movement relative to the scroll
						speed*. Values smaller than 0 will make the movement slower than
						the scroll speed while values larger than 0 will make it faster.
						The	value -1 will make the background follow the page movement
						like normal	backgrounds do. -1 is also the default value when
						data-speed is omitted.<br/><br/>

						*Think camera movement.

			<h3>JavaScript Methods</h3>
						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">ParallaxSection</span><span class="value">(DOMElement)</span></span></pre>
					<td>The constructor for the parallax element.

						<li><b>DOMElement</b> [DOMObject] - The object to which the effects will be applyed.</li>
						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">setSpeed</span><span class="value">(speed)</span></span></pre>
					<td>Changes the parallax speed of the object. See the HTML
						attribute data-speed above for more information.

						<li><b>speed</b> [float] - The new parallax speed.</li>

			<pre><code class="html">&lt;section id="myCoolSection" class="parallax" data-speed="-.2"&gt;
&lt;div id="myEvenCoolerDiv" class="parallax" data-speed=".4"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

				These are blocks tags containing a Google Map to which parallax 
				effects are applied. These can allso contain other elements with
				different effects.
				This type uses the Google Map api, it has to be manually
				initialized. See the example below.

			<h3>Auto initializing conditions</h3>

			<h3>HTML Attributes</h3>
						<pre class="xml"><span class="tag"><span class="attribute">data-speed</span>=<span class="value">"[float]"</span></span>
					<td>The speed of the parallax movement relative to the scroll
						speed*. Values smaller than 0 will make the movement slower than
						the scroll speed while values larger than 0 will make it faster.
						The	value -1 will make the map follow the page movement
						like normal	elements do. -1 is also the default value when
						data-speed is omitted.<br/><br/>

						*Think camera movement.

			<h3>JavaScript Methods</h3>
						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">ParallaxMap</span><span class="value">(DOMElement, googleMap)</span></span></pre>
					<td>The constructor for the parallax element.

							<li><b>DOMElement</b> [DOMObject] - The object to which the effects will be applyed.</li>
							<li><b>googleMap</b> [google.maps.Map] - The google map object connected to the element.</li>
						<pre><span class="function"><span class="keyword">setSpeed</span><span class="value">(speed)</span></span></pre>
					<td>Changes the parallax speed of the object. See the HTML
						attribute data-speed above for more information.

							<li><b>speed</b> [float] - The new parallax speed.</li>

			<h4>The JavaScript part:</h4>
			<pre><code class="html">//Google Map settings and stuff

var element = document.getElementById("myMapCanvas");
var map = new google.maps.Map(element, settings);
Parallax.addElement(new ParallaxMap(element, mapObject));</code></pre>
			<h4>The JavaScript part:</h4>
			<pre><code class="html">&lt;section id="myMapCanvas" data-speed="-.2"&gt;
&lt;!-- This is where the map goes. See the Google Map api for info about thet --&gt;



"Cool" parallax effects for your website!






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