This directory contains the main modules (libraries) of the LITIV framework. These modules are all licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt for more information).
Module list:
- datasets : Provides dataset parsing and evaluation utilities with precaching and async processing support.
- features2d : Provides feature descriptors & matchers (LBSP, DASC, LSS, MI, ShapeContext).
- imgproc : Provides image processing algos and utilities (edge detectors, shape cosegmenters, superpixels extractors).
- test : Provides utilities for project-wide unit/performance testing; never exported for external usage.
- utils : Equivalent of OpenCV's "core" module; contains miscellaneous common utilities (see list here).
- video : Provides background subtraction algos & utilities (LOBSTER, SuBSENSE, PAWCS and others).
- vptz : Provides a compact version of the VirtualPTZ library used to evaluate PTZ trackers.
- world : Provides nothing, and pre-links other modules to make linking easier/faster elsewhere.
For more information on these modules, see their respective README files.