This package could install the OpenBR on VS2019 platform with OpenCV version is 4.X above. I have modified the CMakeLists.txt in the original Openbr folder.
I used OpenCV 4.5.2, Qt 5.12.2, CMake 3.20.1 and VS2019 for the environment of building Openbr. The OpenBR official website:
The steps will be shown below:
- Download Visual Studio 2019, Qt (5.12.2), CMake (minimum required: 2.8.12), OpenCV4.X and openbr in this folder.
Note: The Qt should download with "msvc2019_64" coponents at corresponding version- Link for downloading: Download for VS2019; Download for Qt; Download for CMake; Download for OpenCV
- Once install all the softwares, please add "(opencv folder)..\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin", "(CMake folder)..\Cmake\bin" and "(Qt folder)..\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin" to environment path on the conputer.
- Build OpenCV
- Open CMake (CMake is in: ../bin/cmake-gui.exe.)
- Add "source code" (../opencv/sources)
- Create a new folder (Recommend: in the same folder in opencv) and put its path in CMake "binaries"
- Click "Configure", The generator choose "Visual Studio 16 2019" and choose "Use default native compiler". Then click "Finish".
- Once there is "Configuring done" shown below, find "BUILD_PERF_TESTS", "BUILD_TESTS" and "WITH_FFMPEG" oppitions and tick it off. Then click "Generate" and waiting for "Generating done".
- Click "Open Project", the VS2019 will be opened. Make sure the compiler is in "Debug" mode.
- Then choose "ALL_BUILD" in "CMakeTargets" folder at "Solution Explorer" and right-click "build".
- Once finished. Choose "INSTALL" and right-click "Project Only" -> "Build Only INSTALL".
- Change the compiler into "Release", then redo the above 2 steps.
- Build OpenBR
- Add "source code" (openbr path) and create a new folder and put the path in "binaries".
- Click "Configure", The generator choose "Visual Studio 16 2019" and choose "Use default native compiler". Then click "Finish".
- Once there is "Configuring done" shown below, search "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX" and create a suitable install path for it. (Note: Do not use "/Program Files (x86)/openbr" folder as this might need administration to create) Please ignore all the warnings, the warnings will not affect any installation.
- Then search "BR_INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES" and tick this options.
If there are errors occours such that "OPENCV_DIR", "QT5_DIR" is not found, please check whether the corresponding environment path is added correctly. If the dir was added correctly but still could not find OpenCV, then add a OpenCV_DIR directly in CMake-gui. The correct dir should be like this: opencv/sources/build-msvc2019/install/x64/vc16/lib - Then Click "Add Entry", set name "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH", choose type "String", add value "C:/OpenCV/4.5.2/opencv/sources/build-msvc2019/install;C:/Qt/5.15.2/msvc2019_64" This value is the path of your built "install" folder of OpenCV and the path of your Qt "msvc2019_64" folder
- Click "Generate" and waiting for "Generating done". Click "Open Project", the VS2019 will be opened.
- Select "Release" mode
- Choose "All_BUILD" project at "Solution Explorer" and right-click. Choose "Build".
The building processure requires a download files. if the speed is relatively slow, you can download here. Download it and put it in "(openbr path)../models-prefix/src" folder. - Once finished. Choose "INSTALL" and right-click "Build".
If there is error occure "file INSTALL cannot find", please go to (openbr binaries path)../openbr/cmake_install.cmake
Add set(OpenCV_PATH "C:/OpenCV/4.5.2/opencv/sources/build-msvc2019/install/x64/vc16/bin")(The path to bin folder) at the second line and find following contents:
$ file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin" TYPE FILE FILES "C:/Users/zyf/Downloads/OpenBR-installation-main/OpenBR-installation-main/openbr/openbr/NOTFOUND/../bin/opencv_video452.dll")
change it to:
You need to change 13 files similair to this regarding to all opencv dll files in that cmake files
- Hack OpenBR
- Open Qt (../Qt/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator.exe)
- From the Qt Creator "Tools" menu select "Options...". Under "Kits" select "Desktop Qt 5.15.2 MSVC2019 64bit(default)"
- "File" menu select "Open File or Project...". Select "openbr/CMakeLists.txt" then "Open".
- Select "Run CMake" then "Finish"
- Testing
- Puting the following code to the CMD
$ cd C:\openbr\build-msvc2013\install\bin (your building folder path)
$ br -gui -algorithm "Show(false)" -enroll - if the camera is opened successfully, the openbr is successfully installed in computers
- Puting the following code to the CMD
Orginal installation guidance for OpenBR is on its website here.