CMRC-2018 is a machine reading comprehension task.
The corpus can be find HERE
Download the corpus and save data at [CMRC_DATA_PATH]
Download ChineseBERT model and save at [CHINESEBERT_PATH]
For MRC tasks, the length of document usually larger than 512,
so we have to do some pre-process, such as sliding window.
Run the following script to process training data and save the result at [CMRC_TRAIN_PATH]
python \
--bert_path [CHINESEBERT_PATH] \
--data_dir [CMRC_DATA_PATH] \
--output_dir [CMRC_TRAIN_PATH]
Run the following scripts to generate test file .
python \
--bert_path [CHINESEBERT_PATH] \
--data_dir [CMRC_TRAIN_PATH] \
--save_path [OUTPUT_PATH] \
--gpus=0,1,2,3 \
--batch_size=8 \
--lr=3e-5 \
--max_epoch=2 \
--val_check_interval 0.1 \
--accumulate_grad_batches=4 \
--warmup_proporation 0.1
the final checkpoint will be saved at [OUTPUT_PATH]/checkpoint
run following script to generate test file
python \
--bert_path [CHINESEBERT_PATH] \
--save_path [OUTPUT_PATH] \
--test_file [CMRC_DATA_PATH]/test.json \
--pretrain_checkpoint [OUTPUT_PATH]/checkpoint/****.ckpt \
The evaluation metric is EM.
Result of our model and previous SOTAs are:
base model:
Model | Dev | Test |
ERNIE | 66.89 | 74.70 |
BERT | 66.77 | 71.60 |
BERT-wwm | 66.96 | 73.95 |
RoBERTa | 67.89 | 75.20 |
MacBERT | - | - |
ChineseBERT | 67.95 | 95.7 |
large model:
Model | Dev | Test |
RoBERTa | 70.59 | 77.95 |
MacBERT | - | - |
ChineseBERT | 70.70 | 78.05 |