OntoNotes 4.0 is a Chinese named entity recognition dataset and contains 18 named entity types.
OntoNotes 4.0 contains 15K/4K/4K instances for training/dev/test.
The OntoNotes 4.0 NER dataset using BMES tagging schema can be find HERE
Download the corpus and save data at [ONTONOTES_DATA_PATH]
Download ChineseBERT model and save at [CHINESEBERT_PATH]
Run the following scripts to train and evaluate.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 $REPO_PATH/tasks/OntoNotes/OntoNotes_trainer.py \
--lr 3e-5 \
--max_epochs 5 \
--max_length 275 \
--weight_decay 0.002 \
--hidden_dropout_prob 0.1 \
--warmup_proportion 0.002 \
--train_batch_size 15 \
--accumulate_grad_batches 2 \
--save_topk 20 \
--val_check_interval 0.25 \
--save_path [OUTPUT_PATH] \
--bert_path [CHINESEBERT_PATH] \
--data_dir [ONTONOTES_DATA_PATH] \
The evaluation metric is Span-Level F1. Result of our model and previous models are:
base model:
Model | Test Precision | Test Recall | Test F1 |
BERT | 79.69 | 82.09 | 80.87 |
RoBERTa | 80.43 | 80.30 | 80.37 |
ChineseBERT | 80.03 | 83.33 | 81.65 |
large model:
Model | Test Precision | Test Recall | Test F1 |
RoBERTa-large | 80.72 | 82.07 | 81.39 |
ChineseBERT-large | 80.77 | 83.65 | 82.18 |