The yaml configs in the redi2 tools are turned directly into python data structures. The will either be dictionaries, lists, strings, numbers, None values, or any valid nesting of those.
Ampersands denote references to data and can be dereferenced with an asterisk followed by the same string. This is useful for refering to the same magic string throughout a config without risk of mistyping it. An invalid reference will error at yaml parse time which allows you to catch the mistake early before anything else has been done.
A google search can help with any other questions about yaml you may have.
The configuration in Auditor is a dictionary which has many top level keys that contain different information about how the application will run. This section will go over the responsibility and use of each of these keys.
This section is REQUIRED
This section has two purposes. It is used to give meaning assign references to particular headers in the csv as well as list the headers out that we will be utilizing in the auditor run.
For instance, say we have a csv with the following structure:
EMR_OBFUSCATED_SUBJECT_KEY | loinc_code | OBI_0001933 |
123-456 | 897987 | 5.45 |
Now these headers are not very useful, however, the python csv library needs to be able to dereference the particular values by their column name. So it would help if we could refer to them throught the config with a name that made more sense.
An example config for this csv would be:
test_type: &test_type loinc_code
value: &value OBI_0001933
This section specifies a header on which to sort. Frequently it helps to sort on a particular csv column.
Using the csv from the header_meaning section a proper config for the sort field would look like:
header: *subject
This will cause the auditor output to be sorted based on the value in the column with header “EMR_OBFUSCATED_SUBJECT_KEY”.
Frequently one will need to add data to a csv based on information from an outside source. This is a lot like a join in sql where one of the fields in a row in the csv is used as the field on which two csv’s are joined. It can also be seen like a key for a lookup table to bring additional information in.
The configuration dictionary specifies new headers and how to generate them. Lets look at an example, still using our csv from earlier:
name: &favorite_color FAVORITE_COLOR_FOR_SUBJECT
key: *subject
value: *favorite_color
default: red
lookup_file: &favorite_colors_path configs/favorite_color_lookup_by_subject.yaml
And the favorite_color_lookup_by_subject.yaml will look like
123-456: 'green'
456-789: purple
So how does the application interprete this?
These configs specify to auditor that there should be a new column added to auditor’s output and it should have the header ‘FAVORITE_COLOR_FOR_SUBJECT’. This is denoted with the ‘name’ key.
Next it says where we can find the lookup value. In this case we would look in the column that corresponds to the dereferenced value of the ‘subject’ reference.
Then it specifies that the value of the lookup should be placed in the ‘favorite_color’ column. The default key says that any row for which auditor cannot find a corresponding key: value pair, it should put the default key’s value in that cell.
Finally there is the path to the lookup file. This is also a yaml file with one dictionary. In our example this gives the favorite color of the corresponding subject key. Notice that strings in yaml can be enclosed in quotes or not.
This keys is a yaml list of the the names of the headers in the order that you want them. Going back to our running example, a valid config would look like:
- *subject
- *test_type
- *value
- *favorite_color
This results in a csv with all those headers included in it.
NOTE that if there were additional columns in the input csv then those columns would be stripped out of the output file. This headers block is the definitive list of what makes it into the output.
This specifies the delimiter and quote character in the input csv
delimiter: ","
quotechar: "\""
This is a single string specifying the outgoing quote character. The optimus tool expects double quotes so unless there is a reason to change this, it should remain as "
This is the string passed to python3 when loading the file. This should be ‘utf-8’ most of the time but there may come times you need alternative encodings to open the file.
REQUIRED, but you shouldnt change it most likely
This will never change until more functionality is added to auditor. Since these are used to indicate which functions the mappings object should call on any individual cell.
maps: &maps
- &format_date format_date
- &whitelist is_whitelist
- &blacklist is_blacklist
- ®ex regex
- &empty_okay empty_okay
- &strip_whitespace strip_whitespace
- &greater_equal greater_equal
The maps currently available as of [2017-06-28 Wed] are the following
formats dates to be in redcap form which is ‘YYYY-MM-DD’
checks to see if the value is on the whitelist and if not will put in a not_whitelisted error_string in the cell
checks to see if the value is not on the blacklist and if it is then auditor will put in a blacklisted control_string in the cell
utilizes the regex block to pull specific information from the cell or provide a default value when a particular pattern is encountered
lets the row pass through during the clean step when there is nothing in the cell
Removes trailing and leading whitespace from the cell
outputs a bad_data control string when the first arg is not greater equal than the second
REQUIRED, but you shouldnt change most likely
This will never change until more functionality is added to auditor. These are used by the application to overwrite cells in various scenarios. The only case that these could change is if more functionality is added to the application
empty_okay: "<NO_VALUE_NEEDED>"
bad_data: "<BAD_DATA>"
empty_cell: "<EMPTY_CELL>"
blacklisted: "<ON_BLACKLIST>"
not_whitelisted: "<NOT_ON_WHITELIST>"
no_regex_match: "<NO_REGEX_MATCH_FOUND>"
This is a list of dictionaries that specify the linkage between the header and a whitelist file. These whitelist files are single lists that contain a list of allowable or prohibited items for the name of the col in the header_name key
This is a minimal whitelist block
This is a normal whitelist block
whitelist: &whitelist_vals
- header_name: *lab_type
vals_file_path: configs/whitelisted_labs.yaml
- header_name: *subject
vals_file_path: configs/whitelisted_subjects.yaml
This is what the configs/whitelisted_subjects.yaml file would look like
- 123-456
- 456-789
- 987-312
blacklisting functions exactly the same.
This block is one of the most powerful. This defines another mapping used by auditor to transform data in cells but it uses regexs to do so. For example we may want “Negative” to always be “NEGATIVE”
Here is an example config and corresponding lookup
regexs: ®exs
- header_name: *value
vals_file_path: configs/value_capture.yaml
regex lookup file at configs/value_capture.yaml
- pattern: 'Negative'
- pattern: '1[aA]'
value: 1A
- pattern: 'N|no'
value: 'NO'
- pattern: '([0-9]*|[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)'
These regexs will be tested in order from first to last and the first one that applies will be used and the others will not be.
If the regex pattern has a capture, the first captured group will be used as the value for that cell, otherwise if a regex is matched and a value is provided, that value will be put into the cell
So the regexs in the configs/value_capture.yaml will be used in the following way:
# a cell from the csv
for pattern, value in regexs:
if pattern.matches(cell):
return pattern.captured if captured else value
The preceding is pseudocode but it gives you an idea of the procedure.
Looking back at the value_capture.yaml the last line only has a pattern. This is okay because it uses the capture or whatever was matched by the regex in parenthesis. NOTE only the first capture in a regex will be used. The rest will be ignored. The capture functionality is used in cases where information is ill formatted inside of some text. The current example grabs a number pattern out of some text.
REQUIRED, This is the big one and perhaps the most important config block.
This mappings block defines which procedures should be applied to which columns and in what order.
For example:
mappings: &mappings
- header: *test_date
maps: [*format_date]
- header: *lab_type
maps: []
- header: *value
maps: [*regex, *blacklist]
- header: *subject
maps: [*blacklist]
- header: *unit
maps: [*empty_okay]
- header: *consent_date
- func: *greater_equal
args: [*test_date, *consent_date]
retval: [*consent_date]
- *format_date
This is the default config that was built for the HCV Target project. That project had CSV files which contained, dates the tests took place, the type of the lab, the value of the lab, the subject to which the lab applied, the unit, and we used the new_header to bring in the subject’s consent date so that we would be able to strip out tests that were before the date of consent.
So how are these criteria applied? The test_date column has only one mapping applied to it and that is formatting the date to the ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format that redcap requires.
The lab_type has no mappings listed and is therefore a NO-OP and will pass the value along as is.
The value will pass through a regex file defined in the regex block. The specific file that is used will be specified there. Then, after useing that as a lookup, their is a black list defined to strip out any values that should not go through. These will be things like ‘SEE_COMMENT’ or any other type of information that has no place in what is usually a numeric field.
The subject column goes through the blacklist to strip out any people who may have left the study but still continue to have their information brought to us.
The unit column has empty_okay. This lets null values through. We utilize this because there are times that the unit is apparent or meaningless depending on the test. In these cases we dont want auditor to drop the row during its cleaning step.
Finally the consent_date uses an arg_map. arg_maps take multiple cells from a row and do something based of of it. In this case, we want to make sure that test_dates that are after the consent dates stay around and any other are discarded because they are bad data.