This is the easiest way possible creation of twitter sentimental analysis using R Dataset used is Bitcoin
R Studio with all the additonal files installed according to commands
*You Need Certain Library Files to Be isntalled library(twitteR) library(ROAuth) require(RCurl)
**Connecting to Twitter API Using Direct Authentication
**Extracting Tweets Containg Bitcoin Keyword library(stringr) library(tm) library(ggmap) library(plyr) library(dplyr) library(wordcloud) (Library Files Needed)
4.Cleaning Data.
5.Creating the term document matrix.
6.Finding out the most frequent words.
7.Removing stop words.
8.Creating Wordcloud.
9.Plot of most frequent words after Removing Stop Words.
10.Caluclating Sentimental Score.
11.Plot of the sentiment analysis.
I have added the Documentation File you can Check that to for better understanding.
Follow This Step One by One and there will be no problems
We have Learned How to Exratct Tweets And Plot A Graph On it.