- Minor fixes in QuickAnimation.py
- Created a script to automatically force a bone to follow a target bone(position and rotation) for one or all animations. Useful for adding a weapon and having it follow the hand, the back or whichever other bone during throughout all animations. Of course, result is still tweakable afterwards.
- Add possibility to offset the bone (both vector or rotation)
- Use UnityArmature.py to generate an armature consistent with futher steps
- Use FcurvesOperator.py to save or load animations.
- If you add new bones to the structure: make sure their name starts with
and be aware that they will not be recorded in the animation
Several improvements have been made:
- No need to insert keyframes for all the bones
- No restriction on names. Whichever name you used to record the animation will be used as reference for loading it.
- Has a small tentative to conserve proportions via a ratio
Example at : https://youtu.be/b1CiLcGc3Rw
Most important improvement: Rigify support ! There is now no limit as to the rig you use. Tested on BasicHuman, BasicQuadruped. Some things that could be improved:
No more support for the ratio. Given that the structure has changed, the scripts now finds bones by name, and given the number of bones in rigify, I did not go over them all. One idea to be tested: save informations about the rig along with animation in order to be used to scale animation when loaded
Also, it could be interesting to propose the user to remap the names.
File is: QuickTransfer.py
. Enjoy !