Day 0 of #100DaysofCode in Python
- Learn Numpy
- Numpy Crash Course by Patrick Loeber (Video link)
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python 3.10.2
- Numpy 1.22.4
- Numpy Intro
- Array Basics
- Dot product
- Multi-dimensional arrays
- Array Indexing
- Array Slicing
- Boolean Indexing
- Reshape
- Concatenation
- Broadcasting
- Functions and Axes
- Datatypes
- Copying
- Generating arrays
- Random numbers
- Linear Algebra
- Eigenvalues
- Solving Linear Systems
- Creating arrays
- Conversion from Python datastructure
- Using numpy array creation functions like arange, zeroes
- Replicating, concatenating & modifying existed arrays
- Reading arrays from CSV files
- Using special library functions like random
Numpy is a really recommended library to learn. It's really fast compared to normal Python code. Useful to learn for mathematical calculations.