Welcome to FPS2!
FPS2 is a First-Person-Shooter like the orginal (FPS1). It features a wide variety of customization, in-game experience, and more! Read more to see what the game has.
A big thanks to the 3d modelers for helping create some of the items used in this game. Credits are below.
The game is fully available for everyone to play. The website is hosted with GitHub Pages at:
Why is FPS 2 better than the original?
The original FPS was a fun game with lots of Features & Misc, but when it comes to performance, it's not very good.
- Choppiness: 5/10
- Battery Usage: 9/10
- Data usage: 9/10
- Choppiness: 2/10
- Battery Usage: 4/10
- Data usage: 3/10
If you add all of the lists together, times it by 2, then subtract 100 with it, you'll get the total performance:
FPS 1 - 100 - 2(5 + 9 + 9) = 54
FPS 2 - 100 - 2(2 + 4 + 3) = 82
Lists are below.
"positive performance" means good performance that has reduced lag or uses less resources.
"negative performance" means bad performance that has uses more battery life, resources, or is choppy/glitchy.
- Total positive performance: 54/100
- Total negative performance: 46/100
- Total positive performance: 82/100
- Total negative performance: 18/100
As you can see in the total negative performance, FPS2 has almost no negative performance compared to FPS1.
Obviously, new game can't be completely similar style-wise to the original game, so there is a huge difference in Menus, In-game UI design, and much more.
A lot of responsiveness has also been added not only for screen size, but for touch support and element spacing.
In FPS 2, there are a LOT more features compared to FPS 1. All new/old features are below.
Note: New features are marked with a "+", and old features are marked with a "-"
- Preferences
+ The store
- Fake currency
+ New in-game maps
+ New in-game weapons
+ Change page theme
+ Unlock prizes
+ New help/support menu
An overall rating for FPS 1 is:
- +20 for Fun and Game Experience
- +15 for Features and Misc
- +10 for Device Support
- +5 Style
The overall rating for FPS 2 is:
- +35 for Fun and Game Experience
- +30 Style
- +25 for Features and Misc
- +10 for Device Support
All controls are basically the same as the original.
A - Unide gamepad
T - Interact
F - Fire
R - Reload
Space - Jump
M - Throw Grenade
Cursor - Look Around
ᐱ - Walk Forward
ᐯ - Walk Backward
ᐸ - Walk Left
ᐳ - Walk Right
[RT] - Fire
[RB] - Reload
[A] - Jump
[LT] - Throw Grenade
[R] - Look Around
[Lᐱ] - Walk Forward
[Lᐯ] - Walk Backward
[Lᐸ] - Walk Left
[Lᐳ] - Walk Right
Note: These are minimized help lists. To view the full ones, go to www.fps2.ml and click "help".
- Go to the main menu.
- Click "PLAY"
- Go to "Quick play" in the drop down
- Enter your search preferences and join.
- Go to the main menu.
- Click "PLAY"
- Go to "Preferences" in the drop down
- Change to whatever you like.
The AK-47 is the most popular weapon in the game because many choose to keep it as their default rifle.
The AK-47 Rifle variant is also a very reliable weapon with full auto mode and 1/20 damage.
Show details
- Damage: 5/100
- Accuracy: 55/100
- Recoil: 20/100
- Fire delay: 120 ms
- Reload time: 6500 ms
The .50 cal Desert Eagle ("Deagle") is a very high-recoil and causes critical damage with just a single bullet.
It fires .50 Cal pistol rounds.
Show details
- Damage: 15/100
- Accuracy: 30/100
- Recoil: 60/100
- Fire delay: 250 ms
- Reload time: 3000 ms
The Sniper Rifle or "Marksman Rifle" is a high-damage DMR that works for close-range and mid-range use.
This weapon variant is in between two kinds of weapons: A .50 cal sniper rifle, and a mid-range DMR.
Show details
- Damage: 40/100
- Accuracy: 40/100
- Recoil: 30/100
- Fire delay: 250 ms
- Reload time: 2500 ms
The Remington 870 Shotgun is a beautiful high-damaging rifle, with all kinds of finishing and a wooden grip.
It fires tiny Birdshot pellets from a 380 shotgun shell, as well as some varieties of Buckshot.
Show details
- Damage: 40/100
- Accuracy: 55/100
- Recoil: 35/100
- Fire delay: 100 ms
- Reload time: 3000 ms
The Railgun is an electric weapon which fires ammunition by charging it through a coil tube.
The Railgun can also inject objects with an explosive, or just use the plain ammuntion.
Show details
- Damage: 100/100
- Accuracy: 35/100
- Recoil: 50/100
- Fire delay: [N/A] ms
- Reload time: 2500 ms
The P90 is a full auto SMG/UZI that uses very fast rapid-fire, and causes minimal damage on semi-auto mode.
The P90 is a favored weapon for being easy to use, reliable, and fast.
Show details
- Damage: 5/100
- Accuracy: 40/100
- Recoil: 15/100
- Fire delay: [N/A] ms
- Reload time: 2000 ms
The M32 Grenade Launcher is a basic cannon that launches frag grenades up to 30m.
This weapon is most commonly used in vehicle-operated warzones on the battlefield.
Show details
- Damage: [N/A]
- Accuracy: 50/100
- Recoil: 20/100
- Fire delay: [N/A] ms
- Reload time: 0 ms
The Rocket Launcher streams an Air Rocket into the target it's aiming at.
This weapon is most commonly used in vehicle-operated warzones on the battlefield, just like the Grenade Launcher.
Show details
- Damage: 95/100
- Accuracy: 10/100
- Recoil: 25/100
- Fire delay: [N/A] ms
- Reload time: 0 ms
The Glock-17 is a semi-auto pistol, that uses 9mm pistol rounds.
The Glock is available in many situations during the game, which makes it the go-2 pistol/secondary weapon.
Show details
- Damage: 20/100
- Accuracy: 25/100
- Recoil: 15/100
- Fire delay: 50 ms
- Reload time: 1600 ms
The Humvee Pickup is a reliable vehicle that takes 100+ damage without being destroyed, but watch out for those tight corners!
The Cargo Port map appeared in the original FPS with low-poly textures, blurry lighting and no shadows.
The all-new Cargo Port map features physically correct lighting, realistic shadows, and high-resolution textures, with light emitting from the sun.
The map "Vertex" appeared several times in the first prototypes of FPS 1.
This map has been redesigned to perfection in this amazing old-fashioned farm-like styled map.
The Ghost Map also appeared in FPS 1, but not until the very end of the game developement.
The map is not very big in width, but much bigger in length, which makes a good FPS map.
The Abandoned City is like the "Ghost" map, but it's bigger and a little more realistic.
The Abandoned City is futuristic because of it's unique in-game capabilities.
Animated AK-47 Arms by kursat_sokmen - Licensed under CC 4.0
Animated AK-47 Rifle by wburton95 - Licensed under CC 4.0
Desert Eagle Pistol by attix84work - Licensed under CC 4.0
Sniper Rifle by pashtetuser - Licensed under CC 4.0
Remington Shotgun by Jonathan Steylaerts - Licensed under CC 4.0
P90 SMG by TORI106 - Licensed under CC 4.0
M32 Grenade Launcher by hpedrors - Licensed under CC 4.0
Rocket Launcher by Ivan008 - Licensed under CC 4.0
Humvee Vehicle by Duane's Mind - Licensed under CC 4.0
Weapon Box by dwantin - Licensed under CC 4.0
Sky Texture by Greg Zaal - Licensed under CC0
Steve the soldier by mixamo.com - No License
Swat guy Max by mixamo.com - No License
All animations by mixamo.com - No License
Website design by Canva - No License
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© 2021-2023 Parking Master
License: MIT