Reads a fasta
file, creates a tree structure of a predefined
depth DEPTH
and saves it to a file.
NOTE: computing a tree from a fasta file is very memory intensive. The program will not compute a tree if the length of the sequences in the fasta file exceeds 10 MB.
Usage C
executable (in folder bin
Usage: makeTree -f|--fasta <FASTA_INPUT> -l|--depth <DEPTH>
-o, --output <OUTPUT_FILE> Reads a *fa file, constructs a tree of
depth DEPTH and saves it compressed in OUTPUT_FILE.
-v, --version Prints package version.
-h, --help Prints help dialog.
-f, --fasta Fasta input file of potential contaminations. Mandatory option.
-l, --depth depth of the tree structure.
-o, --output Output file. If the extension is not *gz, it is added. Mandatory option.
Compressed file containing the tree structure. For further details,
read the Doxygen
documentation of the file tree.c
, function save_tree
Paula Pérez Rubio
GPL v3 (see LICENSE.txt)