- Updated I2C library to better handle repeated start for certain devices.
- ESP8266WebServer: add gzip streaming, fix sendContent behaviour, add setContentSize method.
- ESP8266WiFi: add BSSID, channel, isHidden methods, fix AP/STA mode selection (#28).
May 22, 2015
- Add 32-bit Linux toolchain.
- Rebuild toolchain and esptool with support for OS X down to 10.6.
- Better connection handling in ESP8266WebServer. The server now sends Content-Length and Connection: close headers, then waits for the client to disconnect. By not closing the connection actively, server avoids TIME_WAIT TCP state, and TCP stack is able to release the memory immediately, without waiting for 2xMSL period. If the client doesn't disconnect in 2000ms, the server closes the connection actively.
- Add Hash library, which has a function to calculate SHA1 hash.
- SD, Adafruit_ILI9341, and OneWire libraries are now bundled.
- Fix incorrect sector calculation in EEPROM library.
May 19, 2015
- Initial release of Boards Manager package for ESP8266 platform.