- -std=c++17
- qt
- g++9
~$ git clone https://github.com/Oilivia-C/AQFP_P-R_tool.git
~$ mkdir AQFP_P-R_tool/build
~$ cd build
~$ cmake ../
~$ make
Under bin folder, run:
~$ ./qt_aqfp <design_name>.png
Before running, set the .params file under testcases folder as following section. Under bin folder, run:
~$ ./main ../testcase/<design_name>/<design_name>.params
Parameter | Description | Example |
design name | name of the circuit | neuron_maj |
cell_library | A library file with information of all gates | ../testcases/AQFP.alib |
verilog | netlist of the circuit | ../testcases/neuron_yosysed_maj_balanced/neuron_yosysed_maj_balanced.v |
row_adjust_rounds | number of rounds for iteratively updating placement stage | 5 |
bfr_insert_rounds | number of rounds for buffer insertion of wirelength violation | 5 |
split_threshold | thresholds of wirelength violaiton to split the row | {20, 15, 15, 10, 10, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1} |
il_unit | unit for .il files | 0.0125 |
Under build folder, run:
~$ ctest