Below is a series of command-line "curl" commands you can use to play with the underlying URL API that the blink(1) control application uses. ("curl" is a command-line program installed on many operating systems to let you fetch the contents of URLs from the command-line)
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/id'
"blink1_id": "3D52B69200000000",
"blink1_serialnums": [
"status": "blink1 id"
- Nope, no blink(1)s detected.
- Autogenerated 'blink1_id' for test IFTTT use, with zeroed out serialnum.
- A blink(1) is not required to test system (e.g. use 'lastColor').
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/enumerate'
"blink1_id": "3D52B69201AA1A23",
"blink1_id_old": "3D52B69200000000",
"blink1_serialnums": [
"status": "enumerate"
- Yup, there it is.
- "/blink1/enumerate" causes a bus rescan.
- New serial number means new blink1_id.
- blink1_id is persistent across application restarts for a given blink(1).
- blink1_id can be regenerated with '/blink1/regenerateid'.
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/fadeToRGB?rgb=%23ffcc00'
"rgb": "#ffcc00",
"status": "fadeToRGB: #FFCC00 t:0.100",
"time": "0.100"
- Must escape the '#' in hex color codes in query arg.
- If "time" is not specified, defaults to "0.1".
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/lastColor'
"lastColor": "#FFCC00",
"status": "lastColor"
- "lastColor" can change on each request if a pattern is running.
Let's create "blink3green" = "blink green 3 times, 1.5 secs on, 0.5 secs off".
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/pattern/add?pname=blink3green&pattern=3,%2300ff00,1.5,%23000000,0.5'
"pattern": {
"name": "blink3green",
"pattern": "3,#00FF00,1.5,#000000,0.5",
"playcount": 0,
"playing": false,
"playpos": 0
"playedColor": "#000000",
"status": "pattern add"
And create "policeflash" = "alternate between red & blue, every second, repeat forever".
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/pattern/add?pname=policeflash&pattern=0,%23ff0000,0.5,%230000ff,0.5'
"pattern": {
"name": "policeflash",
"pattern": "0,#FF0000,0.5,#0000FF,0.5",
"playcount": 0,
"playedColor": "#000000",
"playing": false,
"playpos": 0,
"repeats": 0
"status": "pattern add"
- Parsed pattern is returned in "pattern" array for verification.
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/pattern'
"patterns": [
"name": "blink3green",
"pattern": "3,#00FF00,1.5,#000000,0.5",
"playcount": 0,
"playedColor": "#000000",
"playing": false,
"playpos": 0,
"repeats": 3
"name": "policeflash",
"pattern": "0,#FF0000,0.5,#0000FF,0.5",
"playcount": 0,
"playedColor": "#000000",
"playing": false,
"playpos": 0,
"repeats": 0
"status": "pattern results"
- Patterns are returned in "patterns" array.
- if "playing" is true, pattern is currently running.
- "playedColor" is last color that was played (if pattern is/was playing).
- "playcount" is how many times (up to "repeats") pattern has played.
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/pattern/play?pname=policeflash'
"status": "pattern 'policeflash' playing"
- Short-lived patterns (repeats>0), will finish and stop themselves.
- Infinite patterns (repeats=0) will repeat forever.
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/pattern/stop?pname=policeflash'
"status": "pattern 'policeflash' stopped"
- Can use "/blink1/pattern/stopall" to stop all patterns.
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/pattern/del?pname=policeflash'
"status": "pattern 'policeflash' removed"
- Deleted patterns are stopped.
- Can use "/blink1/pattern/delall" to remove all patterns
Start watching URL "". I'll call it "mycolorfile".
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/input/url?iname=mycolorfile&arg1='
"input": {
"arg1": "",
"iname": "mycolorfile",
"lastVal": "#9970FF",
"type": "url"
"status": "input url"
- Parsed input is returned in array called "input".
- On a bad URL, "lastVal" is set to "bad url".
- For this URL, data returned is an RGB hex color code, sent to blink(1)
- Other URLs can receive pattern names.
- "iname" can be any user-desirable string.
- Input watching happens once on add.
- Input watching continue on next update cycle (every 30 seconds).
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/input/url?iname=mycolorfile&arg1='
"input": {
"arg1": "",
"iname": "mycolorfile",
"lastVal": "#9970FF",
"type": "url"
"status": "input url"
- A test watch of an input does not add it to the input scheduler
Watch JSON URL "" for "pattern" entry:
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/input/url?iname=mypattern&arg1='
"input": {
"arg1": "",
"iname": "mypattern",
"lastVal": "policeflash",
"type": "url"
"status": "input url"
- "lastVal" is a pattern for this URL.
First let's add a view inputs, same as before:
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/input/url?iname=mycolorfile&arg1='
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/input/url?iname=mypattern&arg1='
Now look at the list:
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/inputs'
"enabled": true,
"inputs": [
"arg1": "",
"iname": "mycolorfile",
"lastVal": "#9970FF",
"type": "url"
"arg1": "",
"iname": "mypattern",
"lastVal": "policeflash",
"type": "url"
"status": "input results"
- Inputs are returned in "inputs" array.
- Inputs will have a "lastVal"
- Use "enabled=false" queryarg to turn off running of all inputs
- URL and IFTTT inputs was fetched every 30 seconds
$ curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/input/del?iname=mycolorfile'
"status": "input 'mycolorfile' removed"
- can use "/blink1/input/delall" to remove all inputs at once