- This contains the various platform Quick Starts for Getting WebGoat Deployed into AWS.
- This IaaS quickstart uses AWS CloudFormation to perform most of the provisioning
- This IaaS quickstart is composed of three independent bundles
- Code pipeline and Build
- Deploying to EC2
- Deploying to ECS
It is Assumed:
- You have an AWS Account
- You know what an S3 bucket is
- You have seen the IAM console and have permissions to create IAM Roles
This Quickstart is for those that just want to perform builds with AWS. It Triggers off of Github to perform builds of webgoat-server
(WIP) This uses AWS CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy to land WebGoat to Running EC2 instances
(WIP) This uses AWS CodePipeline, CodeBuild, ECR, to land a container onto an ECS cluster