PlayPen is a server management and load balancing system.
You must have the protoc compiler installed in order to compile the coordination protocol. Run build_protocol.bat or from the project's root directory.
Before using any playpen tools, PlayPen needs to set itself up. Simply place the playpen jar wherever you wish playpen's home directory to be, and run it without any arguments. It will create the default configuration files and exit.
It is generally recommended to use the bundled scripts to run playpen instead of launching the jar manually. To set this up, simply run
java -jar PlayPen-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
This should copy some scripts and configuration files into the current folder.
To start the network coordinator, run
To start a local coordinator, run
Packaging tools are found at the "p3" command. Run it to see a list of them:
The playpen cli client can be run with:
Note that the cli uses the "local.json" configuration file as it represents itself to the network as a local coordinator.