Nintendo 3DS emulator for Apple devices based on Citra.
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Amiibo support seems to be broken in v1.0.5.1. This will be fixed in v1.0.6.
Landscape support was removed in v1.0.5.1 while testing portrait touch support. This will be reimplemented in v1.0.6.
Please note, touch and virtual (on-screen) controller support are different things with touch referring to the lower screen.
Virtual (on-screen) controller support seems to be broken in v1.0.5.1. This will be fixed in v1.0.6.
Settings will be receiving an overhaul to replace the existing sdl2_config.ini in v1.0.6.
Audio seems to be broken in v1.0.5.1 when Bluetooth is connected. This will be fixed in v1.0.6
See for more information.